MidReal Story

Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance

Scenario:J and his wife X were graduated from a same university. When they were students of the university, J was an oddball in the mathematics department, not fond of studying but passionate about sports and an avid reader of various miscellaneous books. X, on the other hand, was a top student in the journalism department, two years younger than J. However, they did not know each other during their college years. It was only after they both graduated that they met and fell in love. At the age of forty, J experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event—a massive solar flare that caused a temporal disturbance, allowing him to be reborn back into his college days. This time around, J was determined to meet X earlier, fall in love with her sooner, and bring them together ahead of time, making up for the regrets of their past life.
Create my version of this story
J and his wife X were graduated from a same university. When they were students of the university, J was an oddball in the mathematics department, not fond of studying but passionate about sports and an avid reader of various miscellaneous books. X, on the other hand, was a top student in the journalism department, two years younger than J. However, they did not know each other during their college years. It was only after they both graduated that they met and fell in love. At the age of forty, J experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event—a massive solar flare that caused a temporal disturbance, allowing him to be reborn back into his college days. This time around, J was determined to meet X earlier, fall in love with her sooner, and bring them together ahead of time, making up for the regrets of their past life.
At the age of forty, I was born again.
In my college dormitory, I woke up and sat up from the bed.
I looked at the people around me in confusion.
I couldn’t help but feel a little confused.
The last thing I remembered was that there was a sudden solar flare, and the sky had instantly turned black.
I thought I was dead because of the solar flare.
However, now that I woke up, I found that I had returned to my youth.
The memories of the previous life were like a dream.
How could it be a dream?
Because I was reborn?
It was as if my soul had gone through time, bringing all the memories of my previous life to my current body.
If what happened just now was true, then how did it happen?
The only explanation I could think of was that the solar flare caused a time warp and allowed me to be reborn into my previous younger self.
“Are you still confused?”
A thin voice sounded by my ear.
I turned around and saw my roommate X Johnson.
X was two years younger than me, and she was a top student in the journalism department.
She looked very beautiful, and her family background was even more impressive.
She was definitely a goddess in our school.
You could say that she was the dream girl of many boys in our school.
She walked over gracefully and asked with a smile on her face, “What’s wrong with you?”
I asked in confusion, “X, did something strange happen?”
X looked at me suspiciously and said, “J, what are you talking about?”
I shook my head and said with a smile, “It’s nothing.”
X smiled at me and said, “That’s not right.
Did you have a strange dream?”
I nodded slightly and said with a faint smile, “Yes, it’s just a dream.”
At this moment, no one would believe that they were reborn when they woke up from their sleep.
Living another life was just like reading a book or watching TV.
How could it be possible?
However, I had lived through this personally.
I couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.
It was as if I had won the lottery after buying a few lottery tickets on a whim.
I would never have thought that something like this would happen to me even if I had used up all of my luck in this life.
If I had known that something like this would have happened earlier on, I would have been even more excited than winning the lottery.
This kind of thing only happened once in a blue moon!
Just like any other person who had lived through life once before, I had many regrets in my previous life.
Now that I had been reborn into my youth, how could I let myself have any more regrets?
My story began when I went to college.
As an oddball in the mathematics department, nearly all of the students were looking at me with strange gazes.
I didn’t like to study mathematics.
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
I had always been a top student when I was studying mathematics, so my parents and teachers had always hoped that I could study mathematics when I went to college.
Actually, in my opinion, studying mathematics wasn’t important at all when I went to college!
Because when we went to college, it wasn’t just to study our major!
College life wasn’t just about studying, but also a time for us to relax and enjoy ourselves!
Who knew if we would still have the chance to enjoy such a wonderful time after graduating?
I didn’t want to regret it, so I had always believed that this was the right way to live my life.
Because of this, even though my parents and teachers wanted me to study mathematics, I chose to study journalism instead when I entered college!
At the same time, I also loved sports very much!
As an athletic man who had an athletic build and wore glasses, the only way for me to keep fit was to exercise regularly!
As for the sports that I liked, basketball was definitely one of them!
Reading was another one of my hobbies besides basketball!
In high school, I loved to read books about literature, history, and geography, as well as books related to mathematics and physics.
In college, after becoming a journalism student, my reading habits changed as well.
I began to enjoy reading fiction books a lot more than before.
I liked the kind of book that could stimulate my imagination and keep me on edge, making it hard for me to put it down once I started reading it!
After entering university, as a top-tier student who had always excelled in his studies since he was young, my grades had always been among the best in the university.
Therefore, I had always gotten excellent grades no matter how much time I spent on basketball or reading books.
If I didn’t have any classes during the day, then I could spend more time playing basketball or reading books!
This way, as an athletic man who loved sports and reading books, I was able to enjoy both basketball and reading a lot more easily without sacrificing my studies!
I loved sports, so when I went to college, it was natural for me to play basketball with others in the basketball court.
The university that I was studying at was a very famous university in our country, so all of the students were very talented in their own right, and they were very good at playing basketball themselves.
I was also one of the best basketball players among all of the students in our university at that time!
In addition, because of my love for reading books, this kind of hobby would never change even after entering university, so when there was a book that I was interested in, I would always buy it immediately and start reading it right away!
Moreover, once I started reading it, it was hard for me to stop until I finished reading it!
As for why this was the case, it was all because of my principle of living a life without regrets!
In my previous life, I was fortunate to have moved forward without any major regrets, but there were still many small regrets that lingered at the back of my mind.
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
I had fantasized about getting to know my wife during our college years, rather than only meeting her many years after graduation.
You see, back when I was in college, all of my roommates already had girlfriends or boyfriends of their own one after another, but there was no one who caught my eye at all!
Therefore, even though we still got along well with each other in other aspects, there were many occasions which made me feel like an outsider since they would often hang out with their girlfriends or boyfriends and have fun together while leaving me alone by myself most of the time!
It was only after graduation that I met X Johnson, who became the center of my world at once.
X graduated from our university’s journalism department with excellent grades as well as an exceptional beauty that made her famous among our peers even after graduation!
However, despite being a top student from the journalism department in our university and having an extraordinary beauty that made her famous among our peers even after graduation, she was actually two years younger than me, which was why we never met each other during our college years!
In fact, I already knew that a girl like X existed in our university.
However, because we were studying in different departments, and she was two years younger than me, it was very difficult for us to meet each other during our university years.
It wasn’t until after we graduated and met during a friends’ gathering that we fell in love, and soon after that, we got married!
I really loved X in this life!
She was a top student from the journalism department, a smart and intelligent girl that I had always dreamed of since I was young!
She also had an extraordinary beauty that could match her intelligence, which I had always hoped for in a girlfriend!
Therefore, when I met X, I immediately fell in love with her at first sight!
After getting married with X in this life, I found that she was not only a smart and intelligent girl with an extraordinary beauty, but she was also a very virtuous and considerate wife!
She was definitely the best woman ever!
Unfortunately, it was a pity that I didn’t meet her until after graduation in my previous life.
It made me regret it every time I thought about it.
Because if we had met during our college years, then we would have been able to spend more time together since we were both studying at the same university.
But if not for this reason, then perhaps I wouldn’t have met X at all!
After all, if I didn’t have the opportunity to meet her during our college years, then it would be impossible for us to meet since we were no longer students of the university after we graduated.
Therefore, even though the life that I had now was definitely the best life ever!
But whenever I thought about those small regrets of mine or the pity of not meeting X during our college years, it made me feel very upset and regretful.
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
It’s just that I could only blame it on fate and destiny for not letting us meet each other earlier!
When I woke up this time, I discovered that I had been reborn once more, not only as a student in my university, but also as a youthful version of myself!
As soon as I realized it, an indescribable joy arose within me.
This time, I would definitely seize this opportunity!
After all, even though I had lived my life without any regrets, it didn’t mean that I wouldn’t want to make some changes if I could.
In fact, there were actually many regrets and unfulfilled dreams of mine since I was still young at heart even when I turned forty!
But now that I had been reborn again and given another chance to relive my youth, how could I not seize this opportunity and make some changes?
With this thought in mind, I got up from my bed, full of energy.
There was a mirror hanging on the wall opposite our dormitory bed, and I could see my reflection in it.
Although I was still wearing glasses and looked a little odd, my eyesight had always been normal.
My body was still tall and strong with an athletic build.
Other than the fact that I was wearing glasses, I wasn’t actually ugly at all!
After examining myself in the mirror, I became more and more amazed by the changes in my body since I had last been reborn!
It turned out that my hair, which had already been salt-and-pepper, was now all black, and the wrinkles on my face, which had appeared in my early thirties, had also vanished!
In fact, after comparing myself to my memory of my previous life, I found that I looked like I was ten years younger now!
I was now in my early twenties, but I even looked like I was in my late teens!
I had never expected such a change, and it made me feel so happy and excited!
It seemed that this time when I was reborn, not only had I gone back to college, but I had also reversed the aging process and become physically younger!
What an incredible thing to happen!
I was so happy about it.
It felt like I had finally gotten rid of the shell of an old man since I had always felt young at heart even at the age of forty.
But now that I had become physically younger than before again, it made me even more passionate about life!
I felt as if the blood in my body was boiling and it was about to burst out from my skin!
Although this body was no stranger to me since I had been reborn into it once before.
But after becoming ten years younger than my previous age this time, it was as if this body was completely new to me again.
And my life was starting from scratch again!
This kind of feeling was so wonderful!
And it made me feel so good!
I knew that this time when I was reborn, I must seize this opportunity and spend more time doing what made me happy so that there would be fewer regrets or unfulfilled dreams of mine in the future.
After all, even though this life could be the best life ever, there were still many things I wished to achieve as well as many changes I wished to make!
For example, although I didn’t have any regrets about not meeting X during our college years since there was nothing I could do about fate and destiny.
But if possible, then how could I not want to make some changes?
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
For example, if only we could meet each other sooner, and fall in love with each other earlier!
It was something that could be easily achieved after all!
After all, we both went to the same university!
But if we could meet each other during our college years, then we would have more time to spend together!
And we would be able to enjoy the best time of our lives together!
Even though X was still a high school student in the east of the city at this moment!
So the earliest time for us to meet each other would still be at least a year away!
But at least I was still two years younger than her!
So as long as we met each other during our college years, we would have plenty of time to get to know each other!
And more importantly, we would be able to fall in love with each other while we were still young!
It was something that was actually doable!
I was so excited by the idea!
So much so that even the possibility of such a thing happening was enough to make me feel so happy and excited!
I didn’t expect this!
But even more important than that was the fact when one’s physical appearance was improved, one’s self-confidence would also improve as well!
And one’s self-confidence could always bring them many unexpected surprises!
I was feeling so good after looking at myself in the mirror!
I couldn’t help but think that something good must be about to happen to me!
Even though nothing had happened to me yet!
But how could anything bad happen to me when I was looking so good?
It felt as if I was a shining star who was standing on top of the world and about to embark on a brilliant and glorious journey!
After all, there were only two things on my mind at this moment.
The first thing was to meet X as soon as possible.
When I thought about how we would meet each other soon and fall in love with each other while we were still young.
And when I thought about how we would also get married and spend the rest of our lives together.
It made me feel so happy!
The second thing was to go to bed and sleep.
I’ll go to bed…
I was so tired!
I had been reborn three times over the past few days, and every time it happened, my body as well as my mind had gone through a lot of changes.
And each time it took me a while to get used to my new life.
And this time was no exception.
And even now, when there was nothing in particular for me to do, it still made me feel so tired!
Of course, since I had been reborn into a young man in his early twenties, and even though he was an oddball in the mathematics department.
He was still much more energetic than a middle-aged man who was forty years old!
In fact, after being reborn, not only did he look much younger than before.
But his energy level as well as his physical abilities were also greatly improved!
So even though he was feeling very tired at this moment!
It was still much better than how he had felt in his previous life when he had stayed up late at night!
And even though he hadn’t done anything in particular since he had been reborn this time.
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"