MidReal Story

Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance

Scenario:J and his wife X were alumni from the same university. J was an oddball in the mathematics department, not fond of studying but passionate about sports and an avid reader of various miscellaneous books. X, on the other hand, was a top student in the journalism department, two years younger than J. However, they did not know each other during their college years. It was only after they both graduated that they met and fell in love. At the age of forty, J experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event—a massive solar flare that caused a temporal disturbance, allowing him to be reborn back into his college days. This time around, J was determined to meet X earlier, fall in love with her sooner, and bring them together ahead of time, making up for the regrets of their past life.
Create my version of this story
J and his wife X were alumni from the same university. J was an oddball in the mathematics department, not fond of studying but passionate about sports and an avid reader of various miscellaneous books. X, on the other hand, was a top student in the journalism department, two years younger than J. However, they did not know each other during their college years. It was only after they both graduated that they met and fell in love. At the age of forty, J experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event—a massive solar flare that caused a temporal disturbance, allowing him to be reborn back into his college days. This time around, J was determined to meet X earlier, fall in love with her sooner, and bring them together ahead of time, making up for the regrets of their past life.
I was an oddball in the mathematics department.
None of my classmates wanted to graduate as a bachelor, but most of them did.
They were immersed in complex mathematical theories, but I didn’t have much interest in this.
I just wanted to pass the exams and get my degree, that’s enough for me.
I wasn’t that bad, I always managed to maintain a 70-point average on my report card.
Actually, I could do better, but I didn’t want to spend so much time studying like a nerd with nothing else to do.
There were many other things I loved to do, like sports.
No matter how busy I was, I would always spare some time to do exercises.
I was very tall and slim, and people often teased me that I was too thin to be a man at all.
But when they saw my muscles, they kept their mouths shut.
Another thing I loved to do was to read books.
I was an avid reader of various kinds of books.
My friends often joked about my reading habits.
One day I bought a novel and the next day I came back with a martial arts epic.
Then it would be a mythological story, or a romance novel.
My friends were very curious about how many books I would read during college years.
Every time they asked me this question, I would give them the same answer, “I don’t know.”
In fact, I didn’t know it at all.
I read books as if I were drinking water, and I couldn’t stop myself from buying books.
I even had a big bookcase at my home.
After years, it was still full of books which had never been read by me.
I graduated with an average score on my report card, which surprised all my classmates as well as the professors who knew me well.
They all thought that if I could graduate from college with such an attitude, it would be a miracle itself.
But they didn’t know that I was an oddball in the department because my real passion lay elsewhere.
When it came to subjects like arithmetic and geometry, it was very easy for me to get a good score on them even though I didn’t spend much time studying them at all.
I had always been good at math.
When I was in high school, my math teacher was Professor Z.
He was a wise and respected professor of the mathematics department at my university.
He was also my mentor.
Professor Z was very patient with me.
In his opinion, it was not easy for students who had no interest in the subject to pass it, so he was willing to help me with my study.
However, it turned out that he didn’t have much work with me.
I could solve the problems he gave me very quickly, and most of the time, they were correct.
He taught me well, but I had never been an intelligent student.
However, he still held high hopes for me.
He once said that if I can concentrate and study hard, I will become an excellent mathematician.
I said, “I don’t want to.”
He smiled at my answer.
Later, he became my advisor and he gave me a lot of help when it came to my graduation thesis.
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
I didn’t like going out or partying when I was in college.
I wasn’t that kind of guy.
All I needed after a long day was a cold beer and a good book.
It didn’t matter whether it was fiction or non-fiction.
But when it came sports, that was another story entirely.
I had many friends from different departments on campus, but they all shared one thing in common: their love for sports.
We often gathered together to watch games at school or even debate about sports events from around the world.
My friends were all passionate fans of their favorite teams, while some of them even bet on matches between their alma maters or professional clubs.
While I was friendly with everyone, I never joined any group activities because I wasn’t really into sports betting like my friends.
So, whenever there was an interesting game, I would just go and cheer for whichever team I fancied at the time.
I often chatted with my friends about games and sports, and whenever they had a question, they would come to me for answers because they knew that I loved to watch all sorts of games and discuss them in great detail.
Even though we had a lot of fun together, we were all serious about our studies as well.
Our department was one of the best departments on campus, so we all needed to work hard to graduate with a degree.
However, life after graduation was something that I never expected in a million years to happen to me.
When I was forty years old, a solar flare occurred in space, which caused a temporal disturbance on Earth.
As a result, all humans who were outdoors felt dizzy before they lost consciousness.
When they woke up again, they found themselves back in college, and they were given a chance to live their lives again.
It was an incredible miracle!
I couldn’t believe it when it happened to me, but at the same time, I couldn’t wait to meet her again.
I was reborn, but I still remembered everything that had happened in my previous life because of the solar flare that had occurred in the sky.
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
I was also very sure that she was the one who had made me the happiest man alive.
J never considered himself an ambitious person, but there were some things he could not accept, such as his major in mathematics, which he chose without any enthusiasm back then.
In this life, however, he would study hard and be a very successful student, so he decided to change his major to computer science because he thought it was more promising and suitable for him based on his plans for the future.
Sure, he knew that computer science was not easy, but he was determined to work hard at it.
He was not afraid of hard work, and he would do anything for her, even if that meant sacrificing his own dreams for her sake.
J spent the first day back at school just like every other student—he went to get his student ID card, checked out the campus and classrooms, and got other stuff done before school started.
After that, he went back home and spent the whole night deciding whether or not to change his major and what major he should choose in order to graduate with good grades in two years’ time.
It was after much deliberation that he finally decided to change his major from mathematics to computer science because he thought that doing so would allow him to graduate with honors in two years’ time.
It was a decision that he could not wait to implement!
The only thing that worried him was his father, who had very high expectations for him when he chose to major in mathematics in his last life.
He also wanted him to become a very successful mathematician one day as well.
Even though J never really liked mathematics, he decided to major in it because he loved his father very much and wanted to make him proud.
Unfortunately, his decision to major in mathematics had a huge impact on their relationship because he often skipped classes, wasn’t interested in what they were learning, and rarely studied before the exams, which often led to poor grades and a very poor reputation among his teachers and peers.
He knew that his father was not happy with him after graduation because he thought that he had wasted the past four years of his life and failed to meet his expectations of him as well, which was why he was afraid that things would turn out the same way again if he changed majors now.
However, J couldn’t care less about what his father thought of him this time around because even if he was still unhappy with him, there was nothing he could do about it because he had no idea that J had already lived this life before the solar flare happened that day, and that he was the happiest man alive because of her too!
J was willing to go through anything to make sure that this time, she would never slip through his fingers!
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
J woke up on the second day full of hope and happiness because today was the day that he would go talk to the professor of the computer science department about switching majors, even though it was not until midday, so he spent the morning doing some light reading before heading out to school before lunchtime.
J had been walking on campus for less than ten minutes when, all of a sudden, a large group of students ran up to him from behind and started pushing him around in a frenzy without saying anything at all, even though they were not trying to hurt him either; they were just trying to avoid something that was coming right behind them, according to J’s instincts, so he quickly turned around to see what it was and saw the biggest solar flare that he had ever seen in his life coming down towards them at full speed from outer space as well!
J was an expert in space and astronomy because he had read many books about it when he was young, so he knew that a solar flare was a sudden flash of brightness observed near the sun’s surface that was usually associated with sunspots and caused by the release of magnetic energy and was also the largest explosion in our solar system that produced a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat.
So far, scientists had not been able to explain what caused them yet, but J thought that this one was caused by what he knew was called a temporal disturbance because he suddenly felt like he was going back in time and space just before he passed out and fell to the ground.
J woke up from his coma in his dorm room at five o’clock in the morning the next day after spending the whole night trying to figure out what had happened to him because he still didn’t believe that he was reborn into his college days again even though his memories were still fresh in his mind, but after seeing his old body once again in the mirror and feeling very young and strong as well compared to how he felt the day before, he finally realized that all these memories that he had were real and that he really was reborn into his college days too!
J couldn’t believe what had just happened to him because he never thought that he would ever get to live his youth over again even though he wished to do so more than anything in the world.
He knew that it wasn’t possible, but even if it was, he didn’t think that it would happen to him either because people said that you only lived once and that was it, plus he didn’t see any reason why it would happen to him either because there were many people in this world who deserved it more than him too!
J was very happy and grateful to be given a chance to live his youth over again because he had made many mistakes that he regretted very much and also wasted many opportunities along the way too!
He was very sure that he could do much better this time around as well, so he promised himself that he wouldn’t waste a single day of his youth this time no matter what!
J had lived a very happy life in his previous life because he met someone who made him very happy as well as successful too, but there were many things that he wished to change about his past too, so he decided to change everything that he could remember about his previous life this time around as well.
He also knew that there would be many unknowns along the way that could make things difficult for him as well if they happened to him.
Still, it didn’t matter because he was ready for anything that came his way now that he had reborn into his college days once again!
J was also thrilled to have this opportunity to live through this extraordinary solar flare too!
It was a once-in-a-lifetime event that he was very lucky to experience because it was a phenomenon that nobody had ever witnessed before in their lifetime too!
He had read many books about space and astronomy when he was young, but he had never read anything about a solar flare causing a temporal disturbance before either.
It was a very interesting thing to think about because it opened many possibilities for him as well since nobody had ever lived their youth over again after being reborn into their college days before.
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
J felt a surge of vitality and youthfulness running through his veins after being reborn into his college days again because now that he was twenty-two years old once again, there was nothing that could stop him from doing anything that he wanted to do in this world anymore either.
He had always been a tall and slim man with an oddball mathematician’s appearance in his previous life as well as a very adventurous and curious spirit inside of him too.
He also had the ability to do anything that he wanted as well, but there was one thing that he lacked in his previous life that made him do everything that he wished to do either.
It was a body that was as strong and healthy as his mind was during his youth too!
J had always wanted to have a very strong and healthy body when he was young too.
He used to be a very good swimmer when he was young too.
He even taught swimming to many people when he was young too.
J knew that he was very good at sports too because he used to practice many sports when he was young too.
He used to play football with his friends when he was young too.
He also did some weightlifting with his friends when he was young too.
He even rode a bike from one city to another with his friends when he was young too.
He did all these things for many years until he met his wife and fell in love with her too.
J stopped practicing sports after he met his wife X Johnson and got married to her.
He never thought that he would stop practicing sports after getting married to X Johnson either because he loved practicing sports very much when he was young too.
Still, he did it without thinking twice about it either.
J lived a very happy life with X Johnson for many years too.
They did many things together too like traveling the world and raising their children together too.
J also got a job at the university after graduating from college and became an oddball mathematician there too.
He also did research on many interesting things at the university after becoming an oddball mathematician there too.
J never thought that he would give up on his dream of having a very strong and healthy body before dying one day either.
Still, he did it without thinking twice about it either.
J gave up on his dream of having a strong and healthy body after getting married to X Johnson and having children with her too.
He also worked at the university after graduating from college and doing research on many interesting things there too.
J lived a very happy life with X Johnson at the university for twenty years too.
He was a very successful man who had done many interesting things at the university during that time too and even wrote some books on oddball mathematics as well.
J never thought that he would ever get a second chance at living his youth once again either.
Still, he did it without thinking twice about it either.
J gave up on his dream of having a strong and healthy body after getting married to X Johnson and doing research on many interesting things at the university for twenty years too.
He even wrote some books on oddball mathematics while working there as well.
J never thought that he would ever finish all the goals that he had set for himself before he died one day either because he still had a lot of work to do at the university as well as a lot of books to write about oddball mathematics as well as spending more time with X Johnson and raising their children together too.
Still, he did it without thinking twice about it either.
J felt stronger and healthier than ever before after being reborn into his college days again as well as feeling very young and full of energy and vitality again too!
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
However, J was also very surprised and confused by this event as well as not knowing what had happened to him either.
J was very surprised and confused by this event as well as not knowing what had happened to him either so he went to see the doctor at the hospital and asked him what was wrong with him as well as what had happened to him again too!
The doctor told J that he had advanced gastric cancer and would probably die soon if he did not do anything about it right away!
The doctor also told J that he would probably die within a year and a half even if he did do something about it right away and get some treatment for it right away!
J felt like he was going to die right away after hearing this news from the doctor at the hospital!
He did not know what to do and could not think straight about anything either after hearing this news from the doctor at the hospital!
J felt like he was going crazy after hearing this news from the doctor at the hospital and fell down on the floor immediately after hearing this news from the doctor at the hospital!
J did not know how long he had been lying there when he woke up but he was still lying on the floor when he woke up too.
He also saw a nurse standing beside him and fanning him with a fan while he was lying on the floor too.
The nurse asked J if he was feeling better now after fanning him for a while and calling his name several times as well.
The nurse also told J to get up right away and go to see the doctor in the room across the hall right away after fanning him for a while and calling his name several times as well.
J got up right away and went to see the doctor in the room across the hall right away too!
The doctor at the hospital told J to go home and get some rest right away after seeing him in the room across the hall.
The doctor also told J to come back tomorrow and do another examination to see how bad the cancer was and if it was getting worse or not as well.
J went home without doing anything else and lay on the bed with his eyes open and not being able to sleep or close them at all too.
He also started crying after he got home and lay on the bed as well.
J had never cried like this before in his last life either.
He had lost his parents, grandfather, and wife X Johnson in his last life too.
Still, he never cried like this before when he lost them either.
J could not understand why he was crying so much now either.
He also did not understand why this was happening to him now either.
J never thought that he would die young if he did not do anything about it right away either.
Still, he did it without thinking twice about it either.
J had never been afraid of death before in his last life either.
Still, he did it without thinking twice about it either.
J had never thought that he would be afraid of death before either.
Still, he did it without thinking twice about it either.
J had never thought that he would have to die before either.
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"
J did not know why he was acting like this now either.
J did not know why he was acting like this now either.
J knew that he was going to die one day too.
Still, he did not act like this before when he knew that he was going to die one day in his last life too.
It was only a matter of time before he died one day anyway.
J could not understand why he was acting like this now either.
All J could think about was what would happen to him if he died now too?
Where would his soul go if it left his body now too?
Would it go to heaven or hell if it left his body now too?
Would it stay where it was forever or leave eventually if it left his body now too?
Would it disappear forever or come back eventually if it left his body now too?
Would it be alone forever or have someone to keep it company if it left his body now too?
Would it be happy or sad if it left his body now too?
All J could think about now was what would happen to him if he left his body now too?
J did not know what was going to happen to him next either?
It was only a matter of time before he found out what was going to happen to him next either?
J decided to go back home and think about it for a while.J was going through the treatment for the advanced gastric cancer throughout the year as well but it was getting worse and worse each day as well.
J also decided not to go through with the treatment for the advanced gastric cancer anymore as well after a while since it was getting worse and worse each day as well.
J could see that he was going to die soon no matter what he did as well, so he decided not to do it anymore either.
J decided not to live his life like this anymore either so he decided to go somewhere else and start over again instead.
J went somewhere else for a while and met someone who told him about an experimental procedure called the temporal restoration as well!
J heard about the procedure from the person and decided to give it a try anyway too!
The day has finally come when J went through with the experimental procedure called the temporal restoration as well!
J was lying on the bed in a room at the hospital while looking at a doctor standing beside him and holding his hand as well too!
The doctor asked J if he was ready after looking at him and holding his hand as well!
The doctor also asked J if he was sure about it after looking at him and holding his hand as well!
The doctor also told J that it was going to hurt a lot after looking at him and holding his hand as well.
J nodded his head and told the doctor that he was ready after hearing the doctor say that it was going to hurt a lot as well!
J also nodded his head and told the doctor that he was sure about it after hearing the doctor ask him if he was sure about it as well!
J also nodded his head after hearing everything else that the doctor said as well!
J also closed his eyes right away after nodding his head as well!
"Timeless Love: A Second Chance Romance"