MidReal Story


Scenario:Story about planet without time. They just don't invent time as is, so they dont born, dont get old and dont die. But they dont remember who they are. After some of them met people from earth they start to exchange knowledge. And after some time they start to fill emotions and senses. Start to love... And then just get old and die.
Create my version of this story
Story about planet without time. They just don't invent time as is, so they dont born, dont get old and dont die. But they dont remember who they are. After some of them met people from earth they start to exchange knowledge. And after some time they start to fill emotions and senses. Start to love... And then just get old and die.
I had never celebrated a birthday.
I had never counted the passing of days, or watched the sun rise and set on an ever-changing horizon.
In my world, time did not exist.
We, if we could be called such a thing, did not have a beginning or an end.
We simply were.
Forever and always.
It was a beautiful existence, one I was privileged to live and experience in all its wonder and glory.
But it was also a curse.
It was a curse to live in a world where nothing ever changed, where the flowers would bloom in eternal spring and the leaves would fall in endless autumn.
It was a curse to live in a world where we would always be the same, never growing older or learning or changing as the years passed by without a single mark upon us to show for it.
It was a curse to live in a world where we would not die, no matter how hard we tried.
But try we did.
We tried to end our existence, but it was futile.
We could be hurt and we could be broken, but death would never come for us, no matter how much we wished for it.
I had explored every inch of our world, from the crystalline waters of the Siren’s Lagoon to the peaks of the Whispering Mountains that surrounded us on all sides, standing as sentinels against an unknown enemy that might one day rise up against us.
I had walked along every path and ventured into every glen and dell within our borders, seeking answers I could not articulate to questions I could not articulate either.
But try as I might, I could find nothing that would silence the restless spirit within me, that hungered for something it could not name or describe.
And so I continued to explore, wandering farther and farther from the safety of our Enchanted Forest into lands unknown and uncharted by the maps of my people.
We were forbidden from leaving the safety of our forest, but I had always been one to ignore the rules when they didn’t suit me, and this was no different.
Besides, there were no enemies here that might do us harm; only friends we had yet to meet and lands we had yet to see with our own eyes.
And so I walked on, further than I had ever been before until I reached the very edge of our land and came upon a great expanse of water that stretched out before me toward a horizon I could not see with my own eyes but knew was there all the same.
The first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold as I looked out over the water and marveled at its beauty before finally turning away to make my way back home once more.
But before I could leave, something caught my eye in the distance: a ship with sails like wings that fluttered in the wind as it made its way towards me across the waves.
A sense of foreboding filled me, but it was not fear or anxiety that made my heart race; it was excitement and wonder at what awaited me on the other side as I took a step away from my home and into a world that was unknown and uncharted by any map or compass, but that called to me with a voice I could not ignore, no matter how hard I tried.
The Enchanted Forest was a place of mystery and whispers, with tall trees and dark shadows that stretched out across the ground like fingers reaching for me, trying to pull me away from everything I had ever known and loved.
It was a place where anything could happen, if only you believed it was possible, but it was also a place where danger lurked behind every corner and every tree, waiting to jump out at you and steal away your life before you could even scream.
For this reason, we had been forbidden from venturing into its depths by our elders, who were wiser than us in many ways but who still did not know everything there was to know about the world we lived in or what lay beyond its borders on the other side of time and space.
I had never ventured into its depths before today, but something had called me here and now, and I could not ignore it any longer as I took a step across the border and into a realm that shone like silver in the moonlight, but that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow when seen in the light of day, as it was now and ever would be until time ended and eternity began once more on the other side.
The air grew thick with an intoxicating scent, like flowers blooming and dying all at once, as I walked deeper and deeper into the forest, and the trees seemed to hold their breath in anticipation as I drew closer and closer to the heart of their domain.
A hush fell over the land, but it was not a silence that filled me with fear or dread; rather, it was a silence that spoke to me in ways that words never could, telling me that I was home at last and that I belonged here, no matter what anyone else said or thought about me and my place in this world that we called our own.
And then I saw it: a swirling vortex of colors in the air that stretched out towards the heavens above like an open wound in the fabric of time itself, and I knew that I had found what I was looking for: a portal to another world where anything was possible and nothing was certain except the fact that nothing would ever be the same again once we had passed through to the other side together.
As I tumbled through the portal, I caught glimpses of beings unlike any I had ever known or seen before: some with skin as dark as night and eyes that shone like stars in the sky, while others were as pale as the moon itself and bore wings that sparkled and glistened in the light.
Their features were a tapestry of colors and shapes that seemed to change and shift with every passing moment, as if they were nothing more than illusions or figments of my imagination, but even so, I knew that they were real and that they were here with me now, on this side of time and space itself.
And so, I watched them with awe and wonder, for they were so different from us that I could hardly believe my eyes, but at the same time, they were so much like us that I knew we would be friends forever, no matter what anyone else said or thought about us and our place in this world that we called our own.
As I looked at them, I felt a sense of longing stir within me, for they were so beautiful and perfect in every way that I could hardly bear to look at them for fear that I would lose myself in their eyes and never find my way back home again.
But even so, I could not look away, for their laughter was like music to my ears, and their smiles were like stars shining down upon me from high above, as if they were welcoming me into their world with open arms and hearts that could never be broken, no matter what anyone else said or thought about them and their place in this world that we called our own.
And so, we talked together and laughed together, sharing stories and secrets that we had never told anyone else before, for we knew that we could trust one another with our lives, no matter what happened next or after that.
They told me about their world, Earth, where time ruled over everything that lived there, dividing their lives into fleeting moments that passed by like the wind on the wings of a butterfly, here one second and gone the next without a trace of ever having been there at all.
I had never heard of such a thing before, for in our world, time did not exist, and we were free to live our lives any way we pleased without worrying about what would happen next or after that, for there was no beginning or end to anything that lived here; there was only an eternal now that stretched out towards the heavens above like an open road leading to a brighter future that lay beyond our wildest dreams.
But even so, I could not help but wonder what it would be like to live on Earth with these Earthlings, to experience life as they did with all of its joys and sorrows, loves and losses, hopes and dreams that came true when they least expected them to.