MidReal Story

Timeless Betrayal: A Tang Dynasty Journey

Scenario:a 21st young man returned to the ancient Tang Dynasty
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a 21st young man returned to the ancient Tang Dynasty
I can't believe I traveled back in time!
As I stood there in shock and disbelief, I tried to calm myself down by taking a few deep breaths.
I woke up in the middle of a busy street.
The last thing I remembered was going to bed in my apartment.
I was an educated man and a history buff.
I knew a lot about the Qing Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty and the differences between them.
I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
The Qing Dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China, and it ended in 1912.
I had a strange dream that I was in a different place and time, but it felt so real.
The Tang Dynasty was one of the most prosperous and powerful dynasties in Chinese history, and it lasted from 618 to 907.
I could still remember the details of the dream, like the clothes I was wearing and the people I met.
It was like I was really there.
So if I had traveled back in time to the Tang Dynasty, I was at least 300 years before my own time!
I looked around and saw that I was in a busy street market with vendors selling all sorts of goods.
I couldn't even begin to imagine how much the world had changed in those 300 years or what kind of challenges I would face in order to survive.
But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had no choice but to try.
There were people walking around, shopping, and haggling with the vendors over prices.
I had to find a way to adapt to this new reality and make the best of a bad situation.
Some people were carrying baskets of food or goods on their backs, while others were riding horses or driving carts.
It looked like a scene from an ancient Chinese period drama, but it felt so real that I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
And maybe, just maybe, if I was lucky and smart enough, I might even be able to find a way back home.
I looked down at myself and saw that I was wearing a long robe with wide sleeves and a sash around my waist.
As I tried to come to terms with my situation, I suddenly heard someone laughing.
I turned around and saw a crowd of people standing around and staring at me with amused expressions on their faces.
I looked like a character from an ancient Chinese period drama.
Some of them were even pointing at me and laughing as if I were some kind of joke or circus freak.
I felt someone tugging at my sleeve, so I turned around and saw a young boy standing in front of me.
He was holding a basket of fruits and smiling up at me.
I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I realized how ridiculous I must look to them, dressed in my modern clothes and looking so out of place.
I was so embarrassed and humiliated that I didn't know what to do, so I turned around and ran away as fast as I could, hoping to get as far away from them as possible.
"Sir, would you like to buy some fruits?"he asked.
But as I ran, I suddenly heard someone yelling for help behind me.
I was so confused that I didn't know what to say.
Where am I?"I asked the boy.
I looked back and saw the boy running after me with tears streaming down his face.
The boy laughed and said, "You're in Chang'an, sir.
Someone help me!
Why are you dressed so strangely?
That man stole my fruit!"he shouted.
Are you a foreigner?"
I was even more confused now.
I was so shocked and confused by what he said that I stopped running and turned around to look at him.
"What do you mean, why am I dressed so strangely?
The boy caught up to me and said between sobs, "That man is a thief!
He tried to steal my fruit!
This is how I always dress,"I said.
The boy laughed even harder and said, "You're so funny, sir.
Someone please help me catch him!"
I was so stunned by what he said that I didn't know what to do or how to react.
Why are you talking like that?
I tried to speak, but no words came out because I was too shocked and scared to say anything.
Everyone knows that only foreigners speak like that.
Are you a foreigner or not?"
And before I knew it, two men came running towards us from the crowd and grabbed me by the arms.
They were both tall and muscular, with stern faces and fierce expressions on their faces as they looked down at me with anger in their eyes.
I didn't know what to say, so I just shook my head and walked away.
"What's going on here?
But the boy followed me and kept asking me questions.
"Are you lost, sir?
Did you try to steal this boy's fruit?"one of the men growled.
Do you need help finding your way home?
"I didn't do anything!
Why do you keep calling me 'sir'?"I asked him.
I didn't try to steal his fruit!
The boy looked up at me with a puzzled expression on his face and said, "Because I'm just a little boy, and you're an adult.
I don't even know him!
I was just minding my own business and walking down the street when he started following me and accusing me of being a foreigner and trying to steal his fruit!
That's how we talk to grown-ups here."
I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded and walked away.
He's lying!
He's making it all up!"I stammered, trying to explain the situation.
But the boy kept following me and asking me questions, so I finally turned around and asked him where we were.
"Timeless Betrayal: A Tang Dynasty Journey"
"Chang'an, sir,"he said with a smile.
"What dynasty is this?"I asked him.
"If you didn't steal the boy's fruit, then pay him back for it!"the other one snapped, glaring at me with a fierce expression on his face as he grabbed me by the arms and shook me hard.
The boy's smile faded, and he looked at me with a strange expression on his face.
"I didn't steal anything!
"Are you feeling all right, sir?
Everyone knows that this is the Tang Dynasty,"he said.
I swear I'm telling the truth!
Please believe me!
I felt like my heart had stopped beating for a moment as I stared at the boy in shock and disbelief.
This can't be happening!
Please let me go!"I shouted, struggling to break free from their grasp as they dragged me away from the crowd and into a nearby alleyway.
And before I knew it, they had pushed me up against a wall and were standing in front of me with their arms crossed over their chests as they stared at me with angry expressions on their faces.
This can't be real!
There's no way I could've traveled back in time!
"You expect us to believe that?
That a scholar like you would be walking around in a marketplace in the middle of the day without any money or food to eat?
This is insane!
I must be dreaming!
Don't lie to us!
You're a thief!
I must be hallucinating!
You tried to steal that boy's fruit!
But no matter how hard I tried to convince myself that this wasn't real, the more I realized that it was.
Now pay up before we call the guards!"one of them growled, glaring at me with a fierce expression on his face as he balled up his fists and took a step towards me.
And the more I tried to come to terms with it, the more I realized how much trouble I was in.
"I'm not lying to you!
How did this happen?
Why did this happen to me?
I didn't steal anything!
And more importantly, how was I going to get out of it?
Please believe me!
I had so many questions running through my mind that I couldn't think straight.
I swear I'm telling the truth!"I pleaded, shaking my head and holding up my hands in front of me as I tried to explain myself to them.
And as I stood there in the middle of the street trying to make sense of it all, I suddenly felt a sense of panic welling up inside of me.
But they weren't listening, and before I knew it, they had both grabbed me by the arms and were dragging me out into the street as they shouted at me and threatened to take me to the guards and have me arrested for stealing if I didn't pay them back for the fruit that I supposedly stole from the boy.
"I don't have any money on me right now!
I was stranded in a place that was hundreds of years before my time, and there was no way for me to get back home!
No one would believe me if I told them that I had traveled back in time from the future!
I swear I'll pay you back later if you can just take me home!
Please believe me!
So what was I going to do?
How was I going to survive in a world that was so different from my own?
I'm not lying to you!"I pleaded, shaking my head and trying to get them to listen to reason as they dragged me through the marketplace and towards the front gate of the city where they said they were going to take me to see the guards and have me arrested for stealing if I didn't pay them back for the fruit that I supposedly stole from the boy.
"Timeless Betrayal: A Tang Dynasty Journey"
But instead of listening to me, they only got angrier and more hostile as they shook their heads and glared at me with fierce expressions on their faces as we walked along the street and through the marketplace where people were busy shopping and going about their business without a care in the world as they stopped and stared at us with curious expressions on their faces when they saw us walking by and looking so angry and fierce that they were afraid to get too close or ask us what was going on or try to help us in any way or get involved in whatever it was that we were doing or fighting about as we walked along the street and through the marketplace and towards the front gate of the city where they said they were going to take me to see the guards and have me arrested for stealing if I didn't pay them back for the fruit that I supposedly stole from the boy.
"You think we're stupid or something?
You expect us to believe that you're a scholar who doesn't have any money on him right now?
You think we're going to let you go without paying us back for the fruit that you stole from that boy just because you asked us nicely?
You must be out of your mind!
"Timeless Betrayal: A Tang Dynasty Journey"