MidReal Story



Jul 22
Scenario:A new hero that can come up in the future
Create my version of this story
A new hero that can come up in the future
The first time I froze time, I was trying to save a cat.
It was a stupid thing to do, but I was ten years old and I loved cats.
The kitten had darted out into the street, and I’d run after it without thinking.
I didn’t see the car until it was almost on top of me.
I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact, but it never came.
When I opened my eyes again, everything was still.
The car was frozen in place, its wheels suspended in midair.
The people on the sidewalk were like statues, their faces frozen in expressions of shock and surprise.
I stood in the middle of the street, heart pounding in my chest.
I looked around, bewildered by the frozen scene.
The kitten meowed softly at my feet, oblivious to the chaos.
My mind raced as I tried to understand what had just happened.
I reached out and touched the car's bumper; it was solid but unmoving.
Panic set in as I realized I’d somehow stopped time.
Breathing heavily, I willed everything to move again.
The world resumed its motion, and the car screeched to a halt, narrowly missing me.
I scooped up the kitten and ran home, confused and scared by my newfound power.
"Mom!" I shouted as I burst through the front door.
She looked up from her book, startled. "Jamie? What's wrong?"
"I... I think I did something," I stammered, clutching the kitten tightly.
"What do you mean?" she asked, her brow furrowing with concern.
"I stopped time," I whispered, my voice trembling.
She stared at me for a moment before shaking her head. "Jamie, that's impossible."
"But it happened!" I insisted. "The car was going to hit me, and then everything just... stopped."
Mom sighed and put her book down. "Maybe you were just in shock. Sometimes our minds play tricks on us when we're scared."
"No! It was real!" I cried, tears welling up in my eyes.
"Alright, alright," she said gently. "Let's sit down and talk about this."
We sat on the couch, and I recounted everything that had happened. Mom listened patiently, but I could tell she didn't believe me.
After a while, she patted my hand. "Why don't we get you some rest? You've had a long day."
I nodded reluctantly and headed to my room, still clutching the kitten.
As I lay in bed that night, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened.
Was it really just my imagination? Or did I actually have some kind of power?
The next morning, I woke up with a sense of determination.
I needed to know if it was real or not.
I decided to test it out again after school.
As soon as the final bell rang, I bolted out of class and headed to the park.
I found a quiet spot near the pond and took a deep breath.
"Okay," I muttered to myself. "Let's see if this works."
I focused all my energy on stopping time again.
At first, nothing happened.
But then, slowly, everything around me began to freeze.
The ducks on the pond stopped mid-quack.
A jogger was suspended in mid-stride.
Even the leaves on the trees seemed to hang motionless in the air.
I couldn't believe it.
It was real!
Just as quickly as it had started, time resumed its normal flow.
The ducks continued their quacking.
The jogger finished his stride without missing a beat.
And the leaves rustled gently in the breeze once more.
My heart raced with excitement and fear.
What did this mean?
What could I do with this power?
Before I could ponder further, a voice called out behind me.
"Hey! What are you doing here?"
I turned around to see Mr. Thompson, the park ranger, walking towards me with a suspicious look on his face.
"Uh... nothing," I replied nervously.
"You shouldn't be here alone," he said sternly. "It's not safe."
"I was just leaving," I said quickly, backing away.
As I turned to go, something strange caught my eye—a shadowy figure standing at the edge of the park, watching me intently.
Whoever it was disappeared into the trees before I could get a better look.
My heart pounded even harder as I hurried home, questions swirling in my mind.
Who was that?
And why were they watching me?
I kept glancing over my shoulder, half-expecting to see that shadowy figure lurking around every corner.
By lunchtime, I was a bundle of nerves.
As I made my way to the cafeteria, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.
Near the playground, partially hidden behind a tree, was the same shadowy figure.
My heart raced.
I quickly scanned the area for Mia.
She was by the tech lab, engrossed in her latest project.
I hurried over to her, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Mia," I whispered urgently.
"That guy from the park... he's here."
Mia's eyes widened as she looked up from her work.
"Are you sure?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
I nodded.
"He's by the playground. We need to do something."
Mia set down her tools and stood up.
"Let's confront him together," she said resolutely.
We made our way towards the playground, our steps quickening with each passing second.
As we approached the tree where I'd seen him, the figure turned and bolted.
"Hey!" Mia shouted, but he didn't stop.
We chased him through the crowded hallways, dodging students and teachers alike.
He was fast, but we were determined.
Finally, he turned down a dead-end corridor and stopped.
Breathing heavily, we cornered him against the wall.
He turned to face us, and my breath caught in my throat.
It was Mr. Thompson, the park ranger.
His expression was cold and calculating.
"What do you want?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice from shaking.
Mr. Thompson's eyes narrowed.
"I want to know about your powers," he said flatly.
Mia and I exchanged a quick glance.
"What are you talking about?" Mia asked cautiously.
"Don't play dumb with me," Mr. Thompson snapped.
"I've seen what you can do, Jamie."
My mind raced as I tried to figure out how he knew.
"How did you find out?" I asked warily.
"I've been watching you," he replied.
"Ever since that day in the park."
A chill ran down my spine.
"What do you want from me?"
Mr. Thompson took a step closer, his eyes boring into mine.
"I want you to use your powers for me."
"No way," I said firmly.
"I'm not doing anything for you."
He smirked.
"You don't have a choice."
Before I could react, he lunged forward and grabbed my arm.
I struggled to break free, but his grip was like iron.
"Mia! Run!" I shouted.
But before she could move, two more figures appeared at the end of the hallway—both wearing dark uniforms and carrying tasers.
They advanced towards us with grim determination.
"Let go of me!" I yelled, trying to pull away from Mr. Thompson's grasp.
He tightened his hold on my arm and leaned in close.
"You have no idea what you're capable of," he whispered menacingly.
Panic surged through me as I realized we were trapped.
I had to think fast.
With all my might, I focused on stopping time again.
The world around me began to slow down until everything was still.
I yanked my arm free from Mr. Thompson's frozen grip and grabbed Mia's hand.
"We need to get out of here," I said urgently.
We sprinted past the motionless figures and rounded the corner just as time resumed its normal flow.
Behind us, I heard shouts of confusion and anger as they realized we had escaped.
We didn't stop running until we were safely outside the school grounds.
Panting heavily, we leaned against a fence to catch our breath.
"What are we going to do?" Mia asked, her voice trembling with fear.
I shook my head, trying to calm my racing thoughts.
"I don't know," I admitted.
"But we can't let them catch us."
The late afternoon sun cast long shadows, making the narrow alleyways seem even more foreboding.
We ducked into one such alley, pressing ourselves against the cool brick wall to catch our breath.
"Jamie, what are we going to do?" Mia's voice was a mix of fear and determination.
"I don't know," I replied between gasps. "But we can't stop now."
Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows at the far end of the alley.
A woman with piercing green eyes and an air of authority stepped forward.
Her presence was almost magnetic, drawing our attention immediately.
"I can help you understand your powers," she said calmly, her voice steady and confident.
I hesitated, my mind racing with questions and doubts.
Who was she?
Could we trust her?
Mia nudged me gently. "Jamie, maybe we should listen to her."
The woman took another step closer, her eyes never leaving mine. "My name is Evelyn," she introduced herself. "I know about Victor Chronos and his plans."
The mention of Victor Chronos sent a chill down my spine.
He was the one behind Mr. Thompson and those other men.
If Evelyn knew about him, maybe she could help us.
"How do you know about him?" I asked cautiously.
Evelyn's gaze softened slightly. "I've been tracking him for years. He's dangerous, Jamie. But with proper training, you can learn to control your abilities and stand against him."
I glanced at Mia, who nodded encouragingly.
It was clear she trusted Evelyn more than I did at that moment.
"Alright," I said finally, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "We'll follow you."
Evelyn smiled faintly and motioned for us to follow her deeper into the alley.
We walked in silence, the sounds of the bustling city fading as we ventured further into the maze of narrow passages.
After several minutes, Evelyn stopped in front of an unmarked door set into the side of a dilapidated building.
She produced a key from her pocket and unlocked it, pushing the door open to reveal a dimly lit staircase leading downwards.
"Come on," she urged us gently.
We descended the stairs cautiously, each step creaking under our weight.
At the bottom, Evelyn led us through another door into a hidden safehouse.
The room was surprisingly well-furnished, with comfortable chairs and a large table covered in maps and documents.
A series of monitors lined one wall, displaying various surveillance feeds from around the city.
"Welcome to our safehouse," Evelyn said as she closed the door behind us. "This is where we'll begin your training."
I looked around, still trying to process everything that had happened in such a short span of time.
Mia seemed equally overwhelmed but determined to make sense of it all.
Evelyn walked over to one of the monitors and tapped a few keys on a nearby keyboard.
Images of Victor Chronos appeared on the screen—photos, videos, and detailed profiles.
"Victor Chronos is not just after you for your powers," Evelyn explained. "He wants to harness them for his own gain."
I clenched my fists at my sides, anger bubbling up inside me. "Why me? Why my powers?"
Evelyn turned to face me, her expression serious. "Because your ability to manipulate time is rare and incredibly powerful. If he controls you, he controls time itself."
The weight of her words settled heavily on my shoulders.
I had always wondered why I had this power and what it meant for me.
Now I knew it came with a responsibility I couldn't ignore.
"So what do we do now?" Mia asked, breaking the tense silence.
Evelyn's eyes met mine once more. "We train. We prepare for what's coming."
I took a deep breath and nodded resolutely.
"Alright then," I said firmly.