MidReal Story

Time Traveler's Dinosaur Adventure

Scenario:The year is 2025 You Are an American female Visiting England for First Time When you Discover a blue 1960,s police box when you enter it you find its Bigger on the Insde and know what it is right away you inadvertently dress something and are sent pack in time to dinosaurs. Realinsing the tardis and Doxtor who are very ready can you get back to your time before getting swallowed by the dinosaues Joined by Clara Oswald and Peter Capaldis incarnation of the Do tore what is next
Create my version of this story
The year is 2025 You Are an American female Visiting England for First Time When you Discover a blue 1960,s police box when you enter it you find its Bigger on the Insde and know what it is right away you inadvertently dress something and are sent pack in time to dinosaurs. Realinsing the tardis and Doxtor who are very ready can you get back to your time before getting swallowed by the dinosaues Joined by Clara Oswald and Peter Capaldis incarnation of the Do tore what is next
It was the year 2025.
I was visiting England for the first time in my life when I saw it.
A blue 1960's police box.
The sign on the front read "POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX" but someone had scratched out the letters and it now read "POLICE PUBLIC PIG IN A blanket BOX".
I was about to walk away when I noticed that the words "POLICE PUBLIC PIG IN A blanket BOX" had been scratched out and now it read "POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX" again.
I walked up to it and pushed the door open.
Inside, there were several old fashioned phones on the walls but other than that it was just an empty room.
At least it looked like it was.
It looked like it should be able to fit maybe three people at the most.
But then I looked around and noticed that none of the walls, floor or ceiling had a ceiling or a roof or even a back or sides.
They all just kind of faded away into nothing.
It was bigger on the inside!
I knew exactly what it was now!
It was a TARDIS!
A time machine!
Only a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey could own one of these!
I heard footsteps coming from outside the door and walked over to investigate.
A girl and a man came running inside.
The girl had curly brown hair and wore a skirt and top.
Time Traveler's Dinosaur Adventure
The man had wild brown hair and wore a long coat with a bow tie.
I stood there frozen in place as they came running in.
"Are... are... are you... the Doctor?"
I stammered out.
"Yes. Indeed I am," he said with a smile on his face.
He adjusted his bow tie as he spoke.
The girl smiled reassuringly at me.
"I'm Clara Oswald. This is the Doctor."
She said.
The Doctor looked at me then back at Clara.
"We've got a problem, Clara. A temporal anomaly."
He said as he ran over to the console.
Time Traveler's Dinosaur Adventure
The lights on the console were flickering ominously.
Suddenly the TARDIS lurched violently throwing us off balance.
Time Traveler's Dinosaur Adventure
Then it settled with a jolt.
I stumbled to my feet, brushing off the dust.
Clara helped me up, her eyes scanning the surroundings warily.
The Doctor was already at the console, muttering about temporal shifts and recalibrations.
I approached him cautiously, not wanting to get in his way.
"Sorry for intruding," I said, "Your door was open. I didn't mean to trespass, sir."
He glanced at me, a mixture of amusement and exasperation on his face.
"The TARDIS has a mind of her own," he replied, patting the console affectionately.
"She's quite something, isn't she?"
I nodded, still trying to wrap my head around the complexity of the ship.
The Doctor turned to me, eyes alight with urgency, and said, "Well then, are you ready for an adventure?"
Time Traveler's Dinosaur Adventure
I watched as he fiddled with the controls, the lights on the console swirling around him.
Clara stood beside me, her gaze fixed on the Doctor's frantic movements.
"Hold tight," he called out, his voice echoing in the cavernous room.
The floor beneath us began to tremble, and I grabbed onto a nearby railing for support.
Suddenly, the TARDIS shuddered violently, throwing us off balance.
We were tossed to the ground, Clara's hand grasping mine as we struggled to regain our footing.
The Doctor shouted something unintelligible, his words lost in the cacophony of sounds filling the room.
Clara helped me up again, and I caught a glimpse of a prehistoric landscape through the open door.
"Doctor, is that... a dinosaur?" Clara asked, her voice a mix of awe and disbelief.
"Yes, and not just any dinosaur," the Doctor replied, his eyes wide with excitement. "We're in the late Cretaceous period, and that, my friends, is a Tyrannosaurus rex!"
"But why here? Why now?" I questioned, trying to keep my voice steady amidst the chaos.
Time Traveler's Dinosaur Adventure