MidReal Story

The Wild Queen


3d ago
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I turned to my wolf as I threw open the door leading out of the Dragonstone.
"Tell me again, Fenrir," I asked, already knowing the answer.
"Why must you travel into the Dragonspine Mountains at this time?"
His golden eyes looked up at me, and his large paws thumped against the ground with a soft whine.
"They will not come out to meet you, Zylara," he said in a soft, rumbling voice.
"They fear what you do not know, and you must go to them if you are to defeat the darkness that spreads across the land."
I reached out, my hand touching his head just behind his ears.
He let out a soft sigh as I scratched, and my heart filled with love for this wolf that had been my companion since childhood.
He had been a gift from the gods, a guardian to watch over me and protect me as I grew into my destiny as the wild queen, the one chosen to bring balance back to the realm when darkness consumed it.
"Then let us go," I said softly.
Fenrir let out a bark and ran from the door, pausing at the edge of the forest with a look back at me.
The Wild Queen