MidReal Story

The Vampire's Mate

Scenario:Angel/us find his mate Buffy after a long time and she also happens to be a vampire as well
Create my version of this story
Angel/us find his mate Buffy after a long time and she also happens to be a vampire as well
I stood in the middle of the dark alley, my eyes fixed on her as she came towards me.
She was beautiful, with her long brown hair and red lips.
I could see the fear in her eyes, but also a spark of determination.
She was different from the others, and I knew that then.
"Who are you?"
She asked in a soft voice.
"I am Angel/us."
I replied, looking at my reflection in her eyes.
"My mate."
"What?"She took a step back, looking at me with wide eyes.
"I am your mate?"
I nodded, feeling the connection between us grow stronger.
"I have been searching for you my whole life."
Buffy looked at me, her eyes fixed on mine.
She was trying to read my intentions, to see if I was a threat to her or not.
After a few moments, she nodded her head and turned around.
She started to walk away from me, and I knew that I had to follow her.
I walked behind her, feeling the need to protect her from any danger that might come our way.
As we walked through the dark alley, I could feel the weight of my existence bearing down on me.
I was a vampire with a soul, seeking redemption for my past sins.
The Vampire's Mate