MidReal Story

The Vampire Princess' Mate

Scenario:A 18 year old boy is living in a world that has been taken over by vampires. One day the vampire princess finds him and decides to make him her mate
Create my version of this story
A 18 year old boy is living in a world that has been taken over by vampires. One day the vampire princess finds him and decides to make him her mate
I was walking down the street in broad daylight when I heard a rustling coming from one of the abandoned buildings.
I grabbed my baseball bat and slowly walked towards the door.
Suddenly, a figure came running out of the building and almost ran into me.
I gasped as I realized it was a boy around my age.
He was handsome with his dark hair messily brushed to the side, his eyes were a dark brown that looked almost black.
His skin was pale as if he hadn't seen the sun in a while.
He looked up at me and I could tell he was startled by my appearance.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
"It's okay."
I said with a smile.
"My name is Aiden, what's yours?"
"Um, thanks for asking but I have to go," he said awkwardly as he started to walk away from me.
I realized that he must be hiding from something or someone.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him to face me.
"Hey, it's okay.
I'm not going to hurt you.
What's your name?"
He looked at my hand gripping his arm and then back at my face.
The Vampire Princess' Mate