MidReal Story

The Unexpected Proposal


7d ago
Scenario:My boyfriend ask my hand
Create my version of this story
My boyfriend ask my hand
"Ava, from the moment I met you, I knew you were special. From that day on, I made it my mission to get to know you, to learn everything about you. I wanted to be the one you turned to, the one you confided in. I wanted to be the first on your mind when you woke up and the last before you went to sleep. I wanted to be your best friend, your soulmate, your everything. Today, I want to take our relationship a step further. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Ava, will you marry me?"
Those words kept replaying in my mind like a broken record.
I couldn’t believe what was happening right now.
My boyfriend asked me to marry him.
This was the one thing that I never saw coming.
I always thought that if anyone was to ask me this question, it would be the one who broke my heart into a million pieces.
But instead, it was my boyfriend who asked me the question that I wasn’t ready for.
I looked at him sitting across from me at the dinner table he had set up in our dining room.
Everything about this evening had been romantic: the flowers he gave me when he picked me up from work, the red roses on the dinner table, the candles lit all around the room, and last but not least, the beautiful diamond sitting on my left finger.
The Unexpected Proposal