MidReal Story

The Unexpected Lockdown


1d ago
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I have a crush on this guy, Jake Anderson.
It’s a pretty big crush, and it’s been going on for a while.
Since freshman year, actually.
The problem is, I’ve never told anyone about it.
Not even my best friend, Lily Chen.
And the reason for that is because I’m just not that kind of girl—who talks about their crushes, I mean.
At least, not until they make their move.
And by "make their move," I mean—get locked in a closet with their crush during a school lockdown.
That’s what happened today.
The entire school was instructed to wait in some secure location until the lockdown was over, which sounded pretty routine…until someone got the bright idea to lock all of the classroom doors.
Including the one I was standing behind when the announcement was made.
So I slipped inside the room nearest to me—which just happened to be my history teacher’s classroom—and looked around for a good place to hide.
Only to find that one of the doors in the room was for a closet.
The Unexpected Lockdown