MidReal Story

The Unexpected Father


3d ago
Scenario:Tails gets pregnant
Create my version of this story
Tails gets pregnant
"Tails! Tails!"
Sonic yelled.
"What is it, Sonic?"
I asked.
"I just saw a bird! Will you tell me what it is?"
"Why do you want to know?"
I questioned.
"Because I want to name the baby after it."
"Wait, what? You're going to name your unborn child after a damn bird?"
Knuckles asked.
"No, that's not what I meant. I'm pregnant. Not my wife."
Sonic said.
"What the hell? Damn it. Why did you get pregnant and not me?"
Knuckles questioned.
"I don't know. Maybe because I'm the fastest thing alive."
Sonic answered.
"So that means your wife is the one who's pregnant."
I said.
"Yes. How did you figure that out Tails?"
Knuckles asked.
"Because you're not the fastest thing alive. Sonic is."
I answered.
"Oh. Well I guess we're going to have twins then."
Knuckles said.
"What? No we're not! My wife is the one who's pregnant."
Sonic said.
"And my wife is too."
Knuckles added.
"Oh my god. That means all of our wives are pregnant."
I said.
"What are we going to do?"
"Sonic, what are we going to do?"
Knuckles asked.
"I don't know."
Sonic answered.
"We're going to have to take care of them no matter what."
"We are."
"We're going to have babies!"
"Sooo many babies!"
After a few months, all of our wives gave birth.
Sonic's wife had triplets.
Two boys and a girl.
Knuckles' wife had twins.
A boy and a girl.
The Unexpected Father