MidReal Story

The Unexpected Encounter

Scenario:I’m a lesbian, who meets a gorgeous woman by chance.
Create my version of this story
I’m a lesbian, who meets a gorgeous woman by chance.
I was walking home from the library when I saw her.
She was sitting at the counter in the diner, looking at a map or something in a booklet.
The first thing I noticed was her hair, which was dark red and curly, falling to her shoulders in a short bob.
Then my eyes traveled down to her slim neck, her collarbone, and her black button-down shirt open at the neck with a flash of bright blue tank top underneath.
Her sleeves were rolled up, showing off some impressive forearms (I’ve always had a thing for arms), and she had delicate hands with a bright pink manicure.
When she looked up and our eyes met, I froze, my feet glued to the spot in the sidewalk.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of hers, which were a warm brown that seemed to crinkle at the edges when she smiled.
And then she winked at me and I felt it like a punch to the gut.
I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly to calm myself down before I broke out my inhaler.
This was likely to be one of my panic attacks if I didn’t get myself under control.
After a few seconds, I was able to move my feet and continued on my way home.
Today had been like any other day.
I woke up, went to class, stopped by the library.
Nothing exciting ever happens in this town, especially not to someone like me.
The Unexpected Encounter