MidReal Story

The Talking Bus of Curitiba


Feb 4
Scenario:Ônibus articulado de Curitiba falante
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Ônibus articulado de Curitiba falante
It all started the day I stepped into the Capão Raso.
This red articulated bus was one of the many that circulated in Curitiba, but it was the only one that could speak.
The first time I heard its voice, my curiosity was piqued immediately.
However, it wasn’t until I heard the story of the city’s founding that I became completely enthralled and decided to board it daily.
The bus began to speak right after it crossed the Rio Iguaçu and entered the center of Curitiba.
"Did you know that when Curitiba was founded in 1654 by Nhá Catrina, it wasn’t here where we are? No, it was further up north, near the Pilarzinho Hill, where nowadays we have the Oscar Niemeyer Museum. The city caused a lot of controversy back then and after a few years, it was moved to where it is today."
I looked around to see other people’s reactions.
Some were also surprised, while others didn’t even seem to care.
The bus continued, "We’re about to pass through the Capão Raso Street. This name comes from the fact that this region used to be a field and capão rasado used to describe fields that had been burned."
He explained a lot more during that ride and soon we reached my destination.
However, I made sure to take the bus every day after that so I could hear more stories.
The Talking Bus of Curitiba