MidReal Story

The Sword of the Spirit City


2d ago
Scenario:灵霄城的心脏地带,珍宝阁巍峨耸立,它是修真界的财富象征,更是权力与荣耀的汇聚之地。今日,这座宏伟建筑被一场十年一度的拍卖会点燃了活力,珍稀灵植绽放出柔和光晕,与阁内弥漫的灵气交织,构建出如梦似幻的奇景。 苏瑶,珍宝阁的掌舵人,一袭绯红色霓裳宛如流动的火焰,天蚕丝与灵晶粉末交织的灵纹,随着她的每一个动作闪烁着神秘光芒。她的步伐轻盈而坚定,目光扫视着每一个角落,侍从们在她的指挥下有条不紊地忙碌着,她举手投足间的自信与威严,彰显着对这场拍卖会的绝对掌控。 一旁靠墙的青色身影打破了这份奢华与精致的和谐。江澄,剑修,身姿挺拔,仿佛将整个天地的朝气都汇聚在身上。他腰间的古朴长剑虽饱经风霜,却散发着让人不敢小觑的剑气。只是,他那身洗得发白且打着补丁的衣衫,在这珠光宝气的环境中显得格格不入。 拍卖会终于开始,冷月的目光仍旧沉静,但她的脸上有着无法掩饰的淡笑。她似乎早已习惯了这种场面,举手投足之间流露出一种深藏的智慧与从容。 江澄站在一旁,偶尔扫过她一眼,眼神依旧清澈如水。虽然他并未言语,但在冷月心中,已然能够感觉到他身上那种自信与镇定。这种淡然,并非刻意,而是浸入骨髓的平和。 没有敌意,也没有过多的寒暄,两人之间像是两条平行的轨迹,相互交错,却又始终不近不远。在这个充满权谋与算计的拍卖场中,江澄的低调,苏瑶的从容,都在悄然之间,成就了一个不言而喻的默契。 此刻,周围的喧嚣与繁华仿佛都与他们无关,空气中弥漫的只是各自心中的深思和未说出口的话语。 重新润色 用中文
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灵霄城的心脏地带,珍宝阁巍峨耸立,它是修真界的财富象征,更是权力与荣耀的汇聚之地。今日,这座宏伟建筑被一场十年一度的拍卖会点燃了活力,珍稀灵植绽放出柔和光晕,与阁内弥漫的灵气交织,构建出如梦似幻的奇景。 苏瑶,珍宝阁的掌舵人,一袭绯红色霓裳宛如流动的火焰,天蚕丝与灵晶粉末交织的灵纹,随着她的每一个动作闪烁着神秘光芒。她的步伐轻盈而坚定,目光扫视着每一个角落,侍从们在她的指挥下有条不紊地忙碌着,她举手投足间的自信与威严,彰显着对这场拍卖会的绝对掌控。 一旁靠墙的青色身影打破了这份奢华与精致的和谐。江澄,剑修,身姿挺拔,仿佛将整个天地的朝气都汇聚在身上。他腰间的古朴长剑虽饱经风霜,却散发着让人不敢小觑的剑气。只是,他那身洗得发白且打着补丁的衣衫,在这珠光宝气的环境中显得格格不入。 拍卖会终于开始,冷月的目光仍旧沉静,但她的脸上有着无法掩饰的淡笑。她似乎早已习惯了这种场面,举手投足之间流露出一种深藏的智慧与从容。 江澄站在一旁,偶尔扫过她一眼,眼神依旧清澈如水。虽然他并未言语,但在冷月心中,已然能够感觉到他身上那种自信与镇定。这种淡然,并非刻意,而是浸入骨髓的平和。 没有敌意,也没有过多的寒暄,两人之间像是两条平行的轨迹,相互交错,却又始终不近不远。在这个充满权谋与算计的拍卖场中,江澄的低调,苏瑶的从容,都在悄然之间,成就了一个不言而喻的默契。 此刻,周围的喧嚣与繁华仿佛都与他们无关,空气中弥漫的只是各自心中的深思和未说出口的话语。 重新润色 用中文
The Spirit City's Treasure Pavilion stands tall in the heart of the spirit city, symbolizing the wealth of the cultivation world and the gathering place for power and glory.
It is illuminated by soft light from the rare spirit plants inside the pavilion, as if in a dream.
Today, this grand building was brought to life by a onceinadecade auction, and the rare spirit plants inside the pavilion, together with the pervasive spirit energy, formed a fantastic picture.
I wore a red costume, like a moving flame, and every move I made flashed with a mysterious light.
The silk of the Heavenly Silkworm and the spirit crystal powder were woven together to create a spirit imprint that flashed with light as I moved.
With each step, I scanned every corner around me.
My servants were busy following my commands, and my confidence and dignity shone through my gestures.
A green figure leaning against the wall broke the harmony of luxury and precision.
He stood upright like a sword, as if he had gathered all the momentum of the sky and earth in his body.
The ancient sword at his waist had gone through the wind and rain, but it still emitted an unspeakable sword aura.
It was just that his white shirt, although clean and snowwhite, had stitches on it and seemed very out of place in this jewelry environment.
The auction finally began, and Cold Moon's gaze remained calm, with a faint smile on his face that could not be hidden.
The Sword of the Spirit City