MidReal Story

The Superheroine Next Door

Scenario:A dark haired middle-aged superheroine flies through the void between the Milky Way and Andromeda at billions of times the speed of light. One month earlier, she was an ordinary teenage girl. She found a magic necklace while walking on a beach. The necklace transformed her into an adult with superpowers.
Create my version of this story
A dark haired middle-aged superheroine flies through the void between the Milky Way and Andromeda at billions of times the speed of light. One month earlier, she was an ordinary teenage girl. She found a magic necklace while walking on a beach. The necklace transformed her into an adult with superpowers.
I am flying through space.
It’s a beautiful, starry expanse that stretches out before me, seemingly without end.
I am moving so fast that the stars around me are nothing more than a blur.
Despite my incredible speed, I experience no friction.
I do not heat up.
I am not breathing.
I am not aging.
Time has little meaning to me.
I can move at billions of times the speed of light, yet I experience no ill effects, I am not even fatigued.
I am capable of surviving in the void of space, where there is no air.
I can survive extreme temperatures, extreme gravities, extreme radiations.
I am brave, determined, and naive.
One month ago, I was a teenage girl.
Now, I am a superheroine, transforming the world.
How did this happen?
How did I change from an ordinary girl to an extraordinary woman?
It all began with a walk on the beach.
I’d gone to the shore alone, searching for seashells.
The sun warmed my skin, its rays dancing across my face and arms as I walked along the water’s edge.
The sand felt cool between my toes.
The sound of the waves crashing filled my ears.
Suddenly, I spied something glinting in the sand.
Reaching down, I discovered a necklace with a large gemstone suspended from it.
The Superheroine Next Door