MidReal Story

The Strongest Gene

Scenario:纪寒驾驶云龙号进行空间跳跃时,意外坠入黑洞之中, 来到一个光怪陆离的修仙世界。 科技文明的硕果与修仙文明的底蕴在这里碰撞融合, 会诞生出一个怎样的怪胎? 没有灵根,那就自力更生,用生物制药技术与启灵丹丹 方结合,创造出启灵缓释胶囊。 没有仙草,那就脚踏实地,用基因编辑、科学培育的手 段,使凡阶草药也能变废为宝。 多年以后,秦枫俯瞰三千大世界,向众弟子缓缓说道: “你们要记住,科学技术永远是第一生产力!”
Create my version of this story
纪寒驾驶云龙号进行空间跳跃时,意外坠入黑洞之中, 来到一个光怪陆离的修仙世界。 科技文明的硕果与修仙文明的底蕴在这里碰撞融合, 会诞生出一个怎样的怪胎? 没有灵根,那就自力更生,用生物制药技术与启灵丹丹 方结合,创造出启灵缓释胶囊。 没有仙草,那就脚踏实地,用基因编辑、科学培育的手 段,使凡阶草药也能变废为宝。 多年以后,秦枫俯瞰三千大世界,向众弟子缓缓说道: “你们要记住,科学技术永远是第一生产力!”
"Warning, warning! Black hole ahead, escape immediately!"
The Yunlong spaceship's alarm sounded.
I was shocked.
I was currently piloting the Yunlong into a space jump.
How could I have suddenly entered a black hole?
But I had no time to think further.
The Yunlong's gravity space was about to be sucked into the black hole.
I had to act quickly.
"Activate the gravity field!"
The Yunlong's artificial intelligence responded promptly, "Warning, warning! The gravity field is insufficient. The black hole's gravitational pull is too strong. It is unable to withstand the pressure!"
"Switch to manual control!"
I took over the control system myself.
The Yunlong's gravity space was indeed unable to resist the gravitational pull of the black hole.
However, as the pilot, I could still control the ship's flight trajectory.
I adjusted the flight trajectory of the Yunlong, combining with the gravitational force of the black hole to change its direction.
It was successful!
The Yunlong avoided the gravitational pull of the black hole and flew out of its range.
But when I looked at the navigation screen in front of me, I was shocked once again.
The Yunlong had jumped over a very long distance during this space jump.
The Strongest Gene