MidReal Story

The Soldier's Redemption

Scenario:just tapping in the text box, and this is a good way to control the AI's writing style, since it'll tend to follow the writing style of the previous text. If you scroll up in the story once it has become long, you'll see that some special summary paragraphs have been inserted. Feel free to edit the content of these summaries, but don't move or delete them. They help extend the AI's memory. If you want to easily get the full story text without the summary paragraphs, you can click this button:
Create my version of this story
just tapping in the text box, and this is a good way to control the AI's writing style, since it'll tend to follow the writing style of the previous text. If you scroll up in the story once it has become long, you'll see that some special summary paragraphs have been inserted. Feel free to edit the content of these summaries, but don't move or delete them. They help extend the AI's memory. If you want to easily get the full story text without the summary paragraphs, you can click this button:
I’m not even sure why I’m tapping my fingers in this box.
I’m not ready to tell my story yet.
But if I don’t put something in here, the AI will just keep asking me questions.
And if I keep scrolling down on the main page, I’ll start to feel like I’m reading a diary.
Which, I guess, this is.
Seeing as how it’s all about me.
Still, I’m just not ready to start reliving all this shit yet.
I guess I’ll just tap it out and get the damned box to turn gray.
Lily was the best thing that ever happened to me.
She walked into that crowded noisy room and everything just faded away.
The din of the bar fell silent.
The people disappeared.
All that was left was her and me.
I knew right then and there that she was going to change my life.
The Soldier's Redemption