MidReal Story

The Snow Witch


2d ago
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I awoke on my twenty-first birthday with a start, feeling like something was different inside of me.
I didn’t quite know what, but I could feel it.
When I sat up and threw back the covers, though, I realized it wasn’t just the feeling of something being different.
It was also the chill that ran through my blood.
It wasn’t cold in the room I was in, but my blood was chilled to the point that I could see it moving through my veins like ice.
Was this what my mother had meant all those years ago when she told me I would move to Alaska and become a snow witch?
I always thought she meant it would be because of something I did, or something that would happen.
But now, looking down at my hands, feeling the ice in my veins, I wondered if this wasn’t exactly what she had meant.
If there wasn’t something more to it.
The Snow Witch