MidReal Story

The Snow Witch


4d ago
Scenario:El día antes de su 21 cumpleaños, una joven se mudó a Alaska. Cuando despertó, se sintió diferente, como si algo hubiera cambiado. Mudarse a Alaska era su destino, al igual que convertirse en la bruja de la nieve que nació para ser.
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El día antes de su 21 cumpleaños, una joven se mudó a Alaska. Cuando despertó, se sintió diferente, como si algo hubiera cambiado. Mudarse a Alaska era su destino, al igual que convertirse en la bruja de la nieve que nació para ser.
I always felt like something was missing, like I was meant to be somewhere else.
Like I didn't belong where I was.
That all changed the day I moved to Alaska.
It started the night before I left, the eve of my 21st birthday.
When I awoke the next morning, I felt different.
Something had changed, shifted inside of me.
I just didn’t know what it was.
I knew Alaska was calling my name, that I was meant to go there, so I did.
I moved across the country with my brothers, leaving everything and everyone I knew behind.
It turned out it was also my destiny.
My real destiny wasn’t just about moving to Alaska but also about becoming what I was always meant to be—a snow witch.
The first thing I noticed when we stepped off the plane was how alive the air felt.
It seemed to vibrate with this energy and magic I had never felt before.
It called to something deep inside of me.
Alaska was meant to be my home and my destiny, all tied up in one neat package.
Ethan, Caleb, and I had made the decision to move together.
Landon couldn’t make the move with us but supported my decision to go.
The Snow Witch