MidReal Story

The Smallest Cop

Scenario:Gay white cop part of all black unit, smallest guy surrounded by huge muscled black cops
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Gay white cop part of all black unit, smallest guy surrounded by huge muscled black cops
I am Jason Mitchell, a police officer in a unit that is almost entirely black.
I am the only white cop, and to make matters worse, I am the smallest guy on the team.
The rest of the guys are huge muscled black cops.
They look intimidating, and they are.
I have to look up at all of them, and they have to look down at me.
Marcus Thompson towers over me.
He is this huge cop with this thick black beard.
He is protective and scary at the same time.
Whenever we go into a dangerous situation, he always makes sure I am behind him.
He knows I am brave and willing to take risks, but he still looks out for me.
Darius Jackson is confident and assertive.
He rarely speaks unless he is leading the team in an operation.
Then, his voice is authoritative and powerful.
He has a way of making his decisions without consulting anyone else.
Hehe knows what he wants and will not stop until he gets it.
Elijah Brooks rarely speaks.
He is always calm, analyzing surveillance footage or studying data on drug dealers.
The Smallest Cop