MidReal Story

The Shy Girl's Crush

Scenario:Encouraged by friends, a shy girl takes a brave step toward her crush during lunch.
Create my version of this story
Encouraged by friends, a shy girl takes a brave step toward her crush during lunch.
I was walking down the hallway to meet my friends for lunch when I saw him.
Jake Thompson.
The guy I had been crushing on since freshman year.
My friends and I had calculus together and he always sat a few desks behind me.
I could smell his aftershave every day.
It was a nice smell.
I always wished that he would move his desk so we could be partners, but it never happened.
He looked up from his book as he sat on the bench and saw me.
He smiled and I felt my face flush.
I always felt like he could see past my shyness, like he knew that I wasn't really that shy.
He would talk to me in calculus and then I would feel like a normal person.
Like I could talk to him anytime I wanted.
"Hi," I said as I stopped in front of him.
"What’s up?"
He put his book down and leaned back against the wall.
"Not much. Just getting some reading done before class."
"Oh okay."
We were silent for a minute or two.
I didn't know what to say or do.
I didn't want to be awkward, and I didn't want to leave.
The Shy Girl's Crush
I took a deep breath and sat down next to him on the bench.
My heart was beating fast.
I could feel it in my ears.
"What are you reading?"
I asked, trying to sound casual.
He picked up his book and showed me the cover.
It was a science fiction novel that I had heard of but never read.
"It's pretty interesting," he said, leaning closer to me so I could see the book better.
"It's about this guy who wakes up in the future and has no idea how he got there. He has to figure out what happened."
"That sounds cool," I said, genuinely interested.
"Yeah, it is."
We were silent for a minute or two again, but it wasn't awkward this time.
The Shy Girl's Crush
I glanced over at Sarah and Jessica, who were sitting at a table eating their lunch.
They were watching us and gave me a thumbs-up when they saw me looking at them.
Jake seemed relaxed and happy to be talking to me.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Jake said, breaking the silence.
"Sure," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Would you want to maybe hang out sometime, like outside of calculus?"
The Shy Girl's Crush