MidReal Story

The Secret Mission

Scenario:I, Marl Alexander Riendeaux, arrive in Paris. My mission has yet to be revealed to me
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I, Marl Alexander Riendeaux, arrive in Paris. My mission has yet to be revealed to me
I, Marl Alexander Riendeaux, have arrived in the city of love, Paris.
I have no memory of my life before I was twelve years old; that was when I was adopted by the Riendeaux family.
My adoptive father sent me on a mission to Paris, but I still don't know what the mission is.
He didn't tell me, and I haven't asked.
Then why did I come?
Well, I guess it's because I promised to always obey him, just like I promised to find out what my mission is.
I know it's weird, but this is my life.
I step out of the train station into the air.
The smell of croissants and chocolate fills my nostrils, making my stomach growl with hunger pangs.
I look around at the beautiful scenery before me.
I can see the Eiffel Tower not too far away, but what catches my attention is the woman who seems to be staring at me.
She has long curly hair the color of chocolate, and her eyes are as black as the night sky.
Her lips are red, just like the apple I wouldn't take.
She looks like a snake ready to swallow its prey.
"Bonjour Monsieur," a taxi driver says to me.
"Taxi, Monsieur?"
"Oui," I say as I step into the back of the taxi.
"Où aller?"
The driver asks me where I want to go.
The Secret Mission