MidReal Story

The Scourge of Superheroes

Scenario:Reporter Phil Sheldon investigates a dark and hopeless world where no supermen or women were created from amazing accidents, instead they have all died horrible deaths, or worse.
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Reporter Phil Sheldon investigates a dark and hopeless world where no supermen or women were created from amazing accidents, instead they have all died horrible deaths, or worse.
I was a reporter.
That much was certain.
What I didn’t know was how I got here or why I was assigned to investigate the deaths of superheroes.
It wasn’t every day that you got assigned a story that could potentially change the course of history.
But here I was, sitting in my small office, going over notes in my case file, trying to piece together what happened.
The world outside my window was dark and hopeless.
No one had ever heard of supermen or superwomen.
All the amazing accidents that had given people powers had never happened.
At least, that’s what everyone thought.
The truth was far darker.
All the people who would have become heroes had died.
Some from accidents, others from illness, but a few were outright murdered.
The police had given the case files to me, hoping that I could shed some light on what happened.
I was determined to do just that, no matter what it took.
My boss, J. Jonah Jameson, barked from his office.
"Where was I?"
I muttered to myself as I quickly gathered my notes and stood up from my desk.
"Probably telling me that I haven’t done enough with the story," I said to myself with a sigh as I walked into his office.
Jameson was a tall, imposing figure with a bald head and a permanent scowl on his face.
He looked up at me as I entered his office, glaring at me.
The Scourge of Superheroes