MidReal Story

The s Crush


2d ago
Scenario:Most average 1980s story set in: 1982-1987
Create my version of this story
Most average 1980s story set in: 1982-1987
The 1980s—a time of no fucking cell phones, or at least none that the average person could afford.
No internet, either.
You wanted to learn something, you hit the books, asked a teacher, or called a fucking encyclopedia company and paid them by the minute.
It was a horrible time, but it was also a wonderful time.
It was a time of growth, change, turmoil, and absolute hope for a better tomorrow.
It’s funny how we hope for something more just around the corner, but we never realize until years later that what we hoped for wasn’t really what it seemed.
I know I didn’t.
I was sixteen when my world came crashing down in 1982.
It started with a letter—a simple envelope with three pieces of paper inside.
It was from an attorney, telling my mom that my father was filing for divorce and asking her to please come to his office to discuss the details.
I remember that day like it was yesterday.
I was sitting on the couch in our living room, doing my homework and watching TV at the same time.
My mom came home from work early—something she never did—and I heard her open the mailbox and walk to the back door where she sorted through the mail.
A few minutes later, she let out a scream and I ran to the kitchen to make sure she was okay.
That’s when I saw her standing there with her hands covering her face.
The s Crush