MidReal Story

The Royal Bodyguard

Scenario:Summer fling. the guys is a prince. He leaves at end of summer. She finds out she's pregnant. Mom and Dad still love each other. But the man never got any texts, calls, emails from her. Their daughter doesn't find father until her 17th birthday. She spends time with him for a month before convincing him to get back with Mom. He has a very hot, tatted bodyguard named Neal. He speaks Italian to her father sometimes. She falls for him and he her. They end up having a secret relationship when they get her back home
Create my version of this story
Summer fling. the guys is a prince. He leaves at end of summer. She finds out she's pregnant. Mom and Dad still love each other. But the man never got any texts, calls, emails from her. Their daughter doesn't find father until her 17th birthday. She spends time with him for a month before convincing him to get back with Mom. He has a very hot, tatted bodyguard named Neal. He speaks Italian to her father sometimes. She falls for him and he her. They end up having a secret relationship when they get her back home
I was 19, he was 21.
We had a summer fling…thing.
It was hot, it was amazing, it was never going to last.
He had to leave at the end of the summer and I figured I would never see him again.
It was fine, I would move on from this ‘ prince’ (not literally but he looked and acted like one).
Turns out, he was a REAL PRINCE!
But that’s not the worst of it…he had no idea that I was pregnant when he left.
I tried to tell him but I could never get a hold of him.
I couldn’t find a way to text, call, email him…nothing.
I gave up after a few months.
I figured I would just raise this kid on my own.
It wasn’t what I wanted but I would do what I had to do.
It wasn’t the ideal situation but it wasn’t the worst.
My mom and dad still love each other.
They are still together and they still have their little fights but they will always be in love with each other and that’s all any child can ask for.
I gave birth to a beautiful little girl and fell instantly in love with her.
I named her Alessandra (after Alex).
When she turned one, I showed her a picture of Alex and told her all about how we met and fell in love.
The Royal Bodyguard
When she turned 5, I showed her a picture of the two of us and told her that he was her father.
When she turned 10, I showed her a picture of the two of us and told her that he was a prince and that we would have to go visit him when she turned 17.
She was so excited!
I had no idea how I was going to get in touch with him but I would figure it out.
I had to.
I couldn’t lie to my daughter.
I had been sitting on the floor in our living room, surrounded by a box of old photos, when Alessandra came into the room.
She was now seventeen and I knew that today was the day that I would tell her everything.
She knelt down beside me, her eyes wide with curiosity.
"Yes, baby?"
I asked, handing her a faded picture of Alex and me at the beach.
The Royal Bodyguard
His arm was slung casually over my shoulder as we grinned at the camera.
"That’s your father."
She took the picture from me and traced his face with her finger.
He looked so young in this picture…so carefree.
I smiled as I remembered the day we had taken it.
We had been at the beach all day and were heading back to his car when he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to where we had set up our towels. "Let’s take a picture together," he said, pulling me close to him and putting his arm around my shoulders.
"I want to remember this moment forever."
I smiled up at him and leaned into his side as we both smiled for the camera.
It was one of my favorite pictures of us together.
Alessandra looked up at me, a smile on her face but also something else…something that looked like longing?
"Tell me about him," she said softly, looking back down at the picture in her hands.
"Okay," I said, digging through the box of pictures in front of me until I found one of just Alex.
This one was taken at night, after we had gone swimming in the ocean and were lying on our towels drying off.
He was smiling up at me and I could see his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "This is Alex," I said softly, handing it to Alessandra.
"He was 21 years old when we met."
Alessandra took the picture from me and studied it for a few minutes before looking back up at me.
"What did you do when you met him?"
"We laughed a lot," I replied, remembering the warmth of those summer nights.
"Did he make you happy?" Alessandra asked, her voice filled with innocent curiosity.
"Yes, he did," I said, pausing before adding, "and he would be so proud to know you."
The Royal Bodyguard
I looked down at the pictures in front of me and smiled wistfully.
"Yes, he did," I said softly.
"He made me feel like I was the only person in the world."
Alessandra nodded thoughtfully, her eyes still fixed on the picture of Alex.
"I want to meet him," she said suddenly, looking up at me with a determined glint in her eyes.
I was taken aback by her words, but I could see the longing in her eyes and knew that I couldn’t deny her this.
"Okay," I said finally, smiling at her.
"We’ll go find him."
Alessandra squealed with excitement and hugged me tightly, the picture of Alex still clutched in her hands.
I hugged her back, feeling a sense of wonder and excitement building inside of me.
I had been waiting for this moment for so long and I was ready to take it.
I knew that finding Alex wouldn’t be easy, but I was willing to do whatever it took to make my daughter happy.
The Royal Bodyguard
And who knows…maybe we would get a second chance at love too. Alessandra stood in front of her closet, staring blankly at the clothes hanging inside.
She had been planning this moment for weeks now and she couldn’t believe it was finally here.
She took a deep breath and began packing a small bag with a few essentials: some clothes, her toothbrush, and a little money she had saved from babysitting jobs.
She glanced over at the door to make sure her mom wasn’t watching before slipping out of the room quietly.
She walked quickly down the hall and out of the house, not stopping until she reached the train station on the edge of town.
She looked around nervously before buying a ticket for the next train to Rome.
She sat down on a bench and waited for what felt like an eternity before hearing the train whistle blow outside.
She stood up quickly and walked over to where the train was pulling into the station. She climbed on board and found an empty seat near the back of the car before settling in for the long ride ahead of her.
As soon as she sat down, she felt someone sit down next to her.
She turned to look at them and gasped when she saw who it was…Neal!
He smiled softly at her as he sat down next to her and took her hand in his own.
"You weren’t going to leave without me, were you?" he asked teasingly, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
The Royal Bodyguard
Alessandra shook her head, still in shock from seeing him.
"No," she said softly, "I wasn’t."
The train rumbled to life and began to move out of the station, picking up speed as it headed towards Rome.
Alessandra looked out the window at the passing scenery, feeling a sense of excitement and nervousness building inside of her.
She knew that this was going to be an adventure she would never forget.
Neal sat next to her, watching her with a smile on his face.
He knew that she was nervous but he also knew that she was excited.
He reached over and took her hand in his own, squeezing it reassuringly.
"You’re going to be just fine," he said softly, looking into her eyes.
"You’re strong and brave. You can do anything you set your mind to."
Alessandra smiled back at him, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her.
She knew that Neal was right.
The Royal Bodyguard
She was strong and brave and she could do anything she set her mind to.
She felt a sense of determination rise up inside of her and knew that she was ready for whatever lay ahead. As the train rumbled on, Alessandra and Neal sat in comfortable silence, watching the countryside roll by outside the windows.
The rhythmic clatter of the tracks beneath them was soothing and Alessandra felt herself begin to relax for the first time in hours.
Neal sat across from her, his eyes scanning the passing scenery with interest.
Occasionally he would point out something interesting to Alessandra, like a particularly picturesque village or a group of grazing animals in a field.
They talked occasionally, but mostly they just enjoyed each other’s company as they watched the world go by outside their windows.
As the train continued on its journey, Alessandra began to feel more and more relaxed.
She had been so worried about what lay ahead of her, but now that she was finally on her way, she felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. Suddenly the train lurched violently to one side, throwing Alessandra against the window and Neal against the seat in front of him.
The sound of screams filled the air as passengers clung to each other in fear.
Alessandra looked around frantically, trying to figure out what was happening.
The train continued to sway precariously back and forth before finally coming to a stop with a loud screech of metal on metal.
Alessandra could hear people crying and screaming all around her as they tried to make sense of what had just happened.
The Royal Bodyguard
The train lay still for a few moments, the only sound the murmur of voices as people tried to figure out what had just happened.
Alessandra sat frozen in her seat, her heart pounding in her chest.
She could hear Neal’s voice behind her, calling out to her.
"Alessandra? Are you okay?"
She nodded, even though he couldn’t see her.
"I’m okay," she said softly, trying to keep her voice from shaking.
The train lurched violently again, throwing Alessandra against the window once more.
She felt Neal’s hand on her shoulder, holding her steady as she clung to the seat in front of her.
The train continued to sway back and forth for a few more seconds before finally coming to a stop again.
Alessandra looked around frantically, trying to see what was happening.
People were running up and down the aisles, some of them crying and screaming while others were trying to help those who were injured.
She could see blood on the floor and there were people lying on the ground, some of them crying out in pain. "What happened?" Alessandra asked, looking up at Neal in confusion.
The Royal Bodyguard
"I don’t know," he replied, his face set in a grim expression.
"But we need to get out of here."
Alessandra nodded in agreement and stood up, using Neal’s arm to steady herself as she looked around for a way out of the train.
They walked quickly through the chaos of injured passengers and broken glass until they reached an open door at the end of the car.
They climbed down onto the tracks and looked around at the other passengers who had escaped from the train wreck.
There were people all around them, some of whom were injured while others were helping those who were hurt.
Alessandra saw a man walking towards them from a few cars down with an odd look on his face.
He was dressed in black robes that hung loosely on his body and had a hood pulled over his head so that his face was obscured from view.
He moved quickly towards them with an odd sense of calmness that seemed almost eerie amidst all the chaos around them. He stopped in front of us and looked at us for a moment before speaking.
"I can help," he said softly, his voice low and enigmatic.
Alessandra looked at him skeptically, not sure what he was talking about or how he could possibly help us after this train wreck.
"Who are you?"
The Royal Bodyguard