MidReal Story

The Prisoner's Escape

Scenario:a female prisoner falls in love with a femail guard and the guard helps her escape because she is innocent. The guard tragically dies in the process. Very steamy love story.
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a female prisoner falls in love with a femail guard and the guard helps her escape because she is innocent. The guard tragically dies in the process. Very steamy love story.
I was arrested and accused of a crime I did not commit.
I was sentenced to twenty years in a maximum security prison for murder.
While I was there, I met a guard who had a kind heart.
She made my time in prison more bearable.
She made me feel that I wasn't alone and that there were still good people in the world.
She helped me escape from prison, but she didn't make it out herself.
I will always remember her bravery and how she risked her life to help me.
I will never forget the love that we shared and the sacrifice that she made for me.
"I can't believe that it has been three years already," I said to myself as I sat on my cot, staring at the wall.
It seemed like just yesterday that I was first arrested and thrown into this place.
It felt like a dream, but I knew that it was real.
I could never forget the feeling of the cold metal cuffs around my wrists as they dragged me away from everything that I knew and loved.
I knew that I would never be able to forget the look on my mother's face when she saw me being taken away.
It was a mix of shock, sadness, and fear.
The Prisoner's Escape