MidReal Story

The Prisoner's Escape

Scenario:a female prisoner falls in love with a femail guard and the guard helps her escape because she is innocent. The guard tragically dies in the process. Very steamy love story.
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a female prisoner falls in love with a femail guard and the guard helps her escape because she is innocent. The guard tragically dies in the process. Very steamy love story.
I was wrongly accused of murder and was given a life sentence in a maximum-security prison.
The conditions were harsh, but I remained hopeful that one day the truth would come out and I would be free.
In the meantime, I had to endure the difficult days in prison and try to survive.
One of the officers, Officer Thompson, was kind to me and believed that I was innocent.
She became a source of comfort and support for me during my difficult days.
As time went on, our feelings for each other grew stronger and romantic.
We tried to keep it a secret, but eventually we were discovered and Officer Thompson was threatened with being fired if she didn't stop seeing me.
She was brave and refused to give me up, even though it meant that she would lose her job.
She helped me escape from prison and we were going to start a new life together.
Tragically, she gave her life for mine and died in my place.
I was devastated by her loss and remained in hiding while I tried to come to terms with what had happened.
I remained strong and determined to find out who had really committed the murder and to clear my name.
The Prisoner's Escape