MidReal Story

The Postbox Chronicles


7d ago
Scenario:Tired of being a postbox, I journey through the city, searching for meaning beyond delivering letters.
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Tired of being a postbox, I journey through the city, searching for meaning beyond delivering letters.
I am a postbox.
Brilliant, I know.
Not exactly the most exciting thing in the world.
But I’m not just any postbox – I’m a sentient one.
Which arguably makes me even more boring.
I mean, if I were to die and come back as a piece of street furniture, at least I could be a bench or something.
That way, I’d get to watch people interact with each other.
Instead, I’m stuck here on the corner of 5th and Main, only interacting with people when they stick their mail in my mouth.
Talk about unfulfilling.
Day in and day out, it’s all the same – letters come in, letters go out.
I rarely get any mail personally; when I do, it’s always a utility bill or something equally boring.
My brothers Liam and Eamon are also postboxes – we were all made at the same time, hence the familial connection – but they both seem to be taking our lot in life with far greater ease than I am.
Liam just sort of rolls with it.
He’s very practical and doesn’t let his thoughts get too far away from the present moment.
Eamon, on the other hand, has decided to take matters into his own hands.
The Postbox Chronicles