MidReal Story

The Orphan's Quest for the Celestial Scepter

Create my version of this story
I was born poor, the son of a poor farmer.
My mother died when I was very young, so I never really knew her.
My father died when I was fifteen.
I was sent to live in the local temple with the monks.
They taught me how to read and write, and how to do math.
I helped out around the temple with the daily chores.
One day, a young girl showed up at the temple.
She was a few years older than me.
Her name was Mei Lin.
She had long black hair and gentle features.
She had sharp eyes that missed nothing.
She was sent to live with us because she had no family.
The monks taught her how to be a healer.
She learned which herbs could be used for medicine, and how to cut open a wound to clean it out.
The Orphan's Quest for the Celestial Scepter