MidReal Story

The Orc Queen

Scenario:Write me a scene for a rings of power based fanficiton story in which the child OC, Milliel comes running into the tent where she finds her adopted father, Adar, sitting across from Galadriel. The female elf is surprised to see a beautiful elfling running to him. She gasped, surprised He smirks as Milliel whispers to him in ancient Quenya, unsure of the new person. All day, Milliel had sensed the tension throughout the orc encampment. Write it in thrid person
Create my version of this story
Write me a scene for a rings of power based fanficiton story in which the child OC, Milliel comes running into the tent where she finds her adopted father, Adar, sitting across from Galadriel. The female elf is surprised to see a beautiful elfling running to him. She gasped, surprised He smirks as Milliel whispers to him in ancient Quenya, unsure of the new person. All day, Milliel had sensed the tension throughout the orc encampment. Write it in thrid person
Milliel El'goroth
Running into the tent, I skidded on my knees and threw myself into his arms.
He caught me and held me close as I whispered into his ear, "Who is she? Is she a friend?"
The female elf looked surprised to see a beautiful elfling run into the tent and throw herself into Adar鈥檚 arms.
She gasped, looking at me with caution.
I sensed her unease and so did Adar as he stroked my hair.
He whispered back in ancient Quenya, "She is a guest, Milliel. Be polite."
I looked at her and bowed my head in respect.
She smiled softly, "Greetings, young one. May the stars shine bright upon you."
"May the light of the Valar shine upon you as well," I replied.
Adar kissed my forehead, "Go wash your hands for dinner. We will speak later."
"Yes father," I said before running off.
She looked at him then asked, "Adar, how does an elf child come to live within an orc camp?"
The Orc Queen