MidReal Story

The Neighbor Next Door


6d ago
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I was trying to carry too many bags of groceries at one time.
That was my excuse for falling down the steps outside my first floor apartment anyway.
In reality, I just wasn’t watching where I was going because I was too busy watching my neighbor Chang Li get into his car and drive away.
He hadn’t even seen me the moment before I fell.
I had a huge crush on Chang.
Like, huge.
And I was pretty sure he didn’t know about it.
Didn’t know I existed beyond the occasional hello and, hopefully, didn’t know that the reason I bought my oranges five pounds at a time was because he shopped at my store and bought his oranges five pounds at a time.
I was willing it to be a sign.
Until he saw me the day before with two boxes of Froot Loops in my shopping cart and asked me if I had kids.
I’d mumbled something about being able to get a better price when I purchased the cereal in bulk and had been too mortified to tell him the truth—that my younger sister, who lived with me, loved the stuff.
It would probably have helped him remember me if I hadn’t immediately changed the topic to ask him about his new job.
He had just graduated with a degree in computer programming the month before and was working for one of the biggest banks in the city.
The Neighbor Next Door