MidReal Story

The Necklace

Scenario:A middle-aged woman finds a magic necklace on the beach. As she puts it on, she is transformed into a teenaged superheroine.
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A middle-aged woman finds a magic necklace on the beach. As she puts it on, she is transformed into a teenaged superheroine.
I was walking on the beach when I saw it.
Glittering in the sunlight, half-buried in the sand.
A necklace.
It was beautiful, delicate-looking, with a tiny gemstone pendant in the shape of a heart.
I reached for it, and as soon as I touched it, I could feel its power humming through me.
I couldn’t resist.
I lifted it from the sand, clasped the chain closed around my neck, and stepped in front of a mirror-smooth tidal pool to see how it looked.
The gemstone was a brilliant shade of blue, almost purple.
It matched the sky above me perfectly.
I smiled, feeling happy and carefree.
Suddenly, I wanted to run.
Not just walk on the beach, but to sprint, to feel the wind and sand, to feel alive.
So I did.
I took off down the beach, feeling the necklace bounce against my chest as I went.
I ran faster and faster, feeling my breath come easier and easier.
Until I felt like I could run forever.
And then I stopped.
I stood still for a moment, looking out at the ocean.
Something was different.
Something was very different.
I felt… strong.
The Necklace