MidReal Story

The Muffin of Chaos

Scenario:Fairly Oddparents fanfiction timmy 's Dad has the magic muffin and wishes to be able to compete again in the Mist Dimmesdale beauty pageant and becomes a woman and fucks Timmy
Create my version of this story
Fairly Oddparents fanfiction timmy 's Dad has the magic muffin and wishes to be able to compete again in the Mist Dimmesdale beauty pageant and becomes a woman and fucks Timmy
I was in the kitchen making some toast for myself when I saw my Dad eating one of Cosmo's muffins.
"Hey Dad, what are you eating?"
I asked him.
He looked at me with his mouth full.
"Uh... just a muffin or something," he said with her mouth full.
He swallowed it and then looked at me like he was confused about something.
"Uh... Timmy, can you go get me a newspaper?"
He asked me.
The Dimmsdale news?
Sure Dad, why do you need that?"
I asked him.
"I want to read the news," he said.
I handed him the newspaper and he started flipping through it.
Then he stopped on one page and started laughing.
"What's so funny?"
I asked him.
"Uh... nothing Timmy. I just thought that something was hilarious. Ha ha ha!"
He laughed and then pointed to a picture in the newspaper.
It was an ad for the Dimmsdale Beauty Pageant.
"What's the Dimmsdale Beauty Pageant?"
I asked him.
"It's a thing where all of the pretty girls in Dimmsdale compete with each other to see who is the prettiest. It's really competitive this year. The winner will get one thousand dollars and a tiara," he said.
"One thousand dollars? That's a lot of money. I wish that I could get it," I said.
My Dad looked at me like he had an idea.
He snapped his fingers and then pointed at me.
"I wish that you could get it too," he said.
The Muffin of Chaos