Scenario:The competition was trash as far as Yukiko was concerned. Someone had a display for a new and abrasively gaudy Tech-tel, another was advertising how they’d soon sell rooms on the ‘Block-rain’ or something, and then there were so many apps. Rent-a-room, rent-a-car, rent-a-guide, rent-a-cloths, rent-a-friend…
Honestly, if someone wanted company that bad she’d do a better job.
“Where did that come from?” Yukiko thought, blinking away the blue again, and fanning herself with her hand. She felt more than a little warm suddenly, stuffy as well. Looking around she found a bottle of water and took it from the iced tray. Cap off she took a drink.
The cold fluid flowed down her throat. Her tongue, oddly blue, licked about her lips. Before she put the bottle to them again…
And her tongue darted out, folding slightly, not quite human like and began to drain the water like a straw. Longer and longer and more flexible as it did till she’d emptied the bottle and the lengthened appendage snapped back in. Her mouth felt a little full as it moved about but everything seemed to be in place.
Not like her… underwear.
Yukiko looked around, hoping that there’d be no one watching and slipped behind one of the displays (some kind of new digital monitor for shower heads that could charge people if they used too much.)
She adjusted her sash, reached it a bit down and pinched it to pull things into place. A bit of resistance, her butt seeming a bit more tightly enclosed in her kimono than she’d expected. Though relief flooded from fixing that wedged up garment. A flood that followed by the slight growing protrusion of an insect-like tail of sorts and her already thicker rear becoming both larger and firmer bit by bit.
Her skin had become a bit darker, an appearance that was starting to flow down her thighs as well. Where her body was still covered by cloth, strange changes were taking place. She was becoming absolutely hairless, a smoother, and thicker sort of plating slowly taking shape. One could almost have mistaken it for a deep tan, but the color was wrong… alien and odd and the smooth texture clearly something different than human.
A slight creak as her hips pushed out, and Yukiko’s eyes snapped open, bug-eyed wide and bright blue. The earlier thought came back, stranger and fiercer than before-
-Of course she would serve better to their guests. Was it not the sacred duty of the Amagi to aid those that called upon them. Allowing some mercenary hireling summoned by man’s technology when she, as graceful and beautiful as she was strong, was available. She would take those humble supplicants, be they sweet young men or pretty girls in need of a role model. She would be both and more and-
-and now her chest felt tight.
“What is with me today?” Yukiko shrugged, and then shifted from side to side. That kink was back, in her back, and not going away. An odd irritation just around her shoulder blades. And now her chest felt weird. Thankfully a kimono let her fold her arms across and rather subtly adjust things. Though that turned into more adjustments, and then more, till she was practically rubbing her arms against herself absently as she walked. Which helped with both, because her arms felt stiff too.
“Excuse me Miss, are you Mother Moth?”
“From the Amagi Inn?” asked the young gentlemen. Yukiko looked down on him. He seemed about her age, but he was shorter so she immediately pegged him as her junior. She smiled, not showing teeth (or the hint of mandibles formed about her longer, bluer tongue) and nodded gently.
“Yes I am,” she said. Then adding, as she moved her arm out and gently held it for him to touch, “the Lady Yukiko Amagi.”
Inside her heart fluttered. So excessive a display, so graceful and perfect. She didn’t even notice how she was still holding her chest… or how she seemed to have both arms doing it. Two on one side, one on the other, while the fourth was lightly grabbed, the three fingered digits, surprisingly soft to her palms despite the insectile armor that had begun to coat her appendages. He didn’t notice the oddness through her kimono, and with her chest had ballooned outward, perhaps a bit faster than the rest of her body, he found himself stuttering over his words and focused on something else entirely.
“What a cute boy,” she thought.
I could just eat him up.
That wasn’t her, was it…
Not like that silly.
The voice, her own, but with a warbling musical timbre seemed to whisper in her ear. As the arms folded about her chest were now joined by four more, the phantasmal feeling of passing down her sides, where her waist cinched in rather dramatically now, the new coloration and yet still soft coating of her body giving her a very mature hourglass that so far remained of mostly human proportions. Those arms wandered down further, pinching at the extending protuberance of her above her buttocks, the twitching spinnerette at the end reacting, though not yet ready to shoot out strands of silk stronger than any steel that would ever be forged.
“What the…”
For a moment she turned her head and thought she saw a face, fuzzy white fur, or silky hair under stark long black. A pair of long antenna sticking out from her brow and lips replaced it with a soft, yet in her mind still feminine and graceful mandible protuberance. Though the enlarged eyes glowed deep yellow and she swore she saw her smile/felt her smile back before vanishing, the last sight the deep red curtain of her wings folded behind her back.
“Ah… Ma’am?”
“Sorry, I was distracted… what did you want, young gentleman?”
He seemed flustered (how cute) by her response. And looking up at her again he asked, “Well, I heard that the Amagi inn is one of the oldest traditional types still operated. I was wondering if you could tell me how your family manages it so well.”
Oh… oh my.
See, don’t you just want to take him?
So polite, so nice… why-
-of course she’d take him under her wing, show him how her family did things, the Mother Moth way of doing things. Of course, afterwards it would only be fitting if perhaps she offered him a bit more… perhaps a trip to her private boudoir? Not but silk on soft chitin and wings…
Oh my, how shameful for One Such as She to take a mortal human consort and-
-guide them in the tourism business.
“I see, that would work well,” Yukiko said absently, still warm (hot) and tingly. Her back was positively itching now and it had spread up to her neck as well. She shifted from leg to leg, hoping to distract herself, but even the very odd thoughts that were coming to her weren’t doing much so far. While she was still clearly exuding the grace and charm of Mothra-
“There I go again, comparing myself to a giant… moth.” She tried to curl her lip in disgust at the bizarre comparison. But couldn’t. Not just because she might look weird (and show parts of her mouth that she shouldn’t) but also because she couldn’t bare to do so. Mothra was too great, too grand, too perfect a being to insult like that. What girl wouldn’t want to grow up and be like that.
Of course there would be a lot of growing-
Create my version of this story
The competition was trash as far as Yukiko was concerned. Someone had a display for a new and abrasively gaudy Tech-tel, another was advertising how they’d soon sell rooms on the ‘Block-rain’ or something, and then there were so many apps. Rent-a-room, rent-a-car, rent-a-guide, rent-a-cloths, rent-a-friend…
Honestly, if someone wanted company that bad she’d do a better job.
“Where did that come from?” Yukiko thought, blinking away the blue again, and fanning herself with her hand. She felt more than a little warm suddenly, stuffy as well. Looking around she found a bottle of water and took it from the iced tray. Cap off she took a drink.
The cold fluid flowed down her throat. Her tongue, oddly blue, licked about her lips. Before she put the bottle to them again…
And her tongue darted out, folding slightly, not quite human like and began to drain the water like a straw. Longer and longer and more flexible as it did till she’d emptied the bottle and the lengthened appendage snapped back in. Her mouth felt a little full as it moved about but everything seemed to be in place.
Not like her… underwear.
Yukiko looked around, hoping that there’d be no one watching and slipped behind one of the displays (some kind of new digital monitor for shower heads that could charge people if they used too much.)
She adjusted her sash, reached it a bit down and pinched it to pull things into place. A bit of resistance, her butt seeming a bit more tightly enclosed in her kimono than she’d expected. Though relief flooded from fixing that wedged up garment. A flood that followed by the slight growing protrusion of an insect-like tail of sorts and her already thicker rear becoming both larger and firmer bit by bit.
Her skin had become a bit darker, an appearance that was starting to flow down her thighs as well. Where her body was still covered by cloth, strange changes were taking place. She was becoming absolutely hairless, a smoother, and thicker sort of plating slowly taking shape. One could almost have mistaken it for a deep tan, but the color was wrong… alien and odd and the smooth texture clearly something different than human.
A slight creak as her hips pushed out, and Yukiko’s eyes snapped open, bug-eyed wide and bright blue. The earlier thought came back, stranger and fiercer than before-
-Of course she would serve better to their guests. Was it not the sacred duty of the Amagi to aid those that called upon them. Allowing some mercenary hireling summoned by man’s technology when she, as graceful and beautiful as she was strong, was available. She would take those humble supplicants, be they sweet young men or pretty girls in need of a role model. She would be both and more and-
-and now her chest felt tight.
“What is with me today?” Yukiko shrugged, and then shifted from side to side. That kink was back, in her back, and not going away. An odd irritation just around her shoulder blades. And now her chest felt weird. Thankfully a kimono let her fold her arms across and rather subtly adjust things. Though that turned into more adjustments, and then more, till she was practically rubbing her arms against herself absently as she walked. Which helped with both, because her arms felt stiff too.
“Excuse me Miss, are you Mother Moth?”
“From the Amagi Inn?” asked the young gentlemen. Yukiko looked down on him. He seemed about her age, but he was shorter so she immediately pegged him as her junior. She smiled, not showing teeth (or the hint of mandibles formed about her longer, bluer tongue) and nodded gently.
“Yes I am,” she said. Then adding, as she moved her arm out and gently held it for him to touch, “the Lady Yukiko Amagi.”
Inside her heart fluttered. So excessive a display, so graceful and perfect. She didn’t even notice how she was still holding her chest… or how she seemed to have both arms doing it. Two on one side, one on the other, while the fourth was lightly grabbed, the three fingered digits, surprisingly soft to her palms despite the insectile armor that had begun to coat her appendages. He didn’t notice the oddness through her kimono, and with her chest had ballooned outward, perhaps a bit faster than the rest of her body, he found himself stuttering over his words and focused on something else entirely.
“What a cute boy,” she thought.
I could just eat him up.
That wasn’t her, was it…
Not like that silly.
The voice, her own, but with a warbling musical timbre seemed to whisper in her ear. As the arms folded about her chest were now joined by four more, the phantasmal feeling of passing down her sides, where her waist cinched in rather dramatically now, the new coloration and yet still soft coating of her body giving her a very mature hourglass that so far remained of mostly human proportions. Those arms wandered down further, pinching at the extending protuberance of her above her buttocks, the twitching spinnerette at the end reacting, though not yet ready to shoot out strands of silk stronger than any steel that would ever be forged.
“What the…”
For a moment she turned her head and thought she saw a face, fuzzy white fur, or silky hair under stark long black. A pair of long antenna sticking out from her brow and lips replaced it with a soft, yet in her mind still feminine and graceful mandible protuberance. Though the enlarged eyes glowed deep yellow and she swore she saw her smile/felt her smile back before vanishing, the last sight the deep red curtain of her wings folded behind her back.
“Ah… Ma’am?”
“Sorry, I was distracted… what did you want, young gentleman?”
He seemed flustered (how cute) by her response. And looking up at her again he asked, “Well, I heard that the Amagi inn is one of the oldest traditional types still operated. I was wondering if you could tell me how your family manages it so well.”
Oh… oh my.
See, don’t you just want to take him?
So polite, so nice… why-
-of course she’d take him under her wing, show him how her family did things, the Mother Moth way of doing things. Of course, afterwards it would only be fitting if perhaps she offered him a bit more… perhaps a trip to her private boudoir? Not but silk on soft chitin and wings…
Oh my, how shameful for One Such as She to take a mortal human consort and-
-guide them in the tourism business.
“I see, that would work well,” Yukiko said absently, still warm (hot) and tingly. Her back was positively itching now and it had spread up to her neck as well. She shifted from leg to leg, hoping to distract herself, but even the very odd thoughts that were coming to her weren’t doing much so far. While she was still clearly exuding the grace and charm of Mothra-
“There I go again, comparing myself to a giant… moth.” She tried to curl her lip in disgust at the bizarre comparison. But couldn’t. Not just because she might look weird (and show parts of her mouth that she shouldn’t) but also because she couldn’t bare to do so. Mothra was too great, too grand, too perfect a being to insult like that. What girl wouldn’t want to grow up and be like that.
Of course there would be a lot of growing-
The competition was trash.
There was someone advertising a new Tech-tel, another had a display for something called the ‘Block-rain’ or something, and then there were all of these little booths and stalls set up for various apps.
"Rent-a-room", "rent-a-car", "rent-a-guide", "rent-a-cloths", "rent-a-friend"…
Honestly, if someone wanted company that bad she’d do a better job.
"Where did that come from?"
Yukiko thought, blinking away the blue and fanning herself with her hand.
She felt more than a little warm suddenly, stuffy as well.
Looking around she found a bottle of water and took it from the iced tray.
She twisted the cap off and tilted it back, drinking deeply.
Her tongue, oddly blue, licked about her lips.
Before she put the bottle to them again…
And her tongue darted out, folding back like a straw and began to drain the bottle.
Her eyes were spaced out and she was completely unaware of what was happening with her body.
The bottle was bent and warped as she emptied it quickly and yet still somehow managed to keep the flow going.
Her mouth felt a bit full as it moved, the dark blue color of her longer tongue making it hard to see but it looked like it was sucking in water while her lips were pressed against the bottle.