MidReal Story

The Moonlight Serenade


1d ago
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I do not relish the clamor of the crowd, for it is only in the solitude of the night that the moon belongs solely to me.
I enjoy the moon most when it is slim and pale, for then the night is dark and the world is hushed in sleep and I can gaze upon it without distraction.
I am a simple girl, living in a simple town, with simple desires.
I live with my grandmother in a small cottage on the edge of the village.
We have no neighbors and our surroundings are quiet and peaceful.
My grandmother is wise and kind and has kept me safe since I was a child.
I have never known my parents for they died at my birth, but my grandmother has told me stories about them and about our family.
My grandmother's tales are enchanting for they speak enviously of our past, of our land and our accomplishments, of our honor and our pride.
They speak enviously of our beauty, for we have always been a handsome family; they speak enviously of our station, for we were once important; they speak envably of our future, for we are still noble.
But my grandmother's tales are also sorrowful for they speak of our loss and our fall.
The Moonlight Serenade