MidReal Story

The Mermaid's Secret


Feb 4
Scenario:我的名字是阿莉亚,我是一条美人鱼。 我和我的妹妹生活在现代城市中,但我们尽量避免被人类发现。 我们尽力保守这个秘密,成功地只在我们自己和所爱的人之间维持着它。 我妹妹莉拉在选择男朋友时非常谨慎,她选了一个除非她决定告诉他,否则永远不会发现她真实身份的人。 我做了完全相反的事情。 我爱上了艾伦,却将这一切深藏在心底,始终没有告诉他。 我试着找出一个方法向他倾诉我的真实身份,但每次都以失败告终。 艾伦从未对我产生过任何怀疑。 他总是信任我,爱着我。 然而,我每天都洗澡,以保持我的尾巴隐秘。 有一天,我在浴缸里待得太久,突然听到门响,我慌了,急忙想要爬出来。 当我听到钥匙在门锁中转动的那一刻,我的心仿佛停止了跳动。 我知道是艾伦,但我就是搞不明白他为什么在这个时刻回来。 这并不是他一贯的习惯。 我试着打开门,但没能成功,因为我进来的时候忘记解锁了。
Create my version of this story
我的名字是阿莉亚,我是一条美人鱼。 我和我的妹妹生活在现代城市中,但我们尽量避免被人类发现。 我们尽力保守这个秘密,成功地只在我们自己和所爱的人之间维持着它。 我妹妹莉拉在选择男朋友时非常谨慎,她选了一个除非她决定告诉他,否则永远不会发现她真实身份的人。 我做了完全相反的事情。 我爱上了艾伦,却将这一切深藏在心底,始终没有告诉他。 我试着找出一个方法向他倾诉我的真实身份,但每次都以失败告终。 艾伦从未对我产生过任何怀疑。 他总是信任我,爱着我。 然而,我每天都洗澡,以保持我的尾巴隐秘。 有一天,我在浴缸里待得太久,突然听到门响,我慌了,急忙想要爬出来。 当我听到钥匙在门锁中转动的那一刻,我的心仿佛停止了跳动。 我知道是艾伦,但我就是搞不明白他为什么在这个时刻回来。 这并不是他一贯的习惯。 我试着打开门,但没能成功,因为我进来的时候忘记解锁了。
My name is Alia, a mermaid.
I live in a modern city with my sister, Lila.
We both do our best to avoid being discovered by humans.
We manage to keep this secret successfully, but only between ourselves and those we love.
My sister has a boyfriend, and she chose one who would never uncover her true identity unless she decided to tell him.
I did the exact opposite.
I fell in love with Alan, yet I kept it all buried deep inside, never revealing a thing to him.
I tried to find a way to confide in him, yet every single attempt ended in failure.
He has never harbored any doubts about me.
He has always trusted me, loved me.
Yet, every day, I bathe to keep my tail a hidden secret.
One day, I lingered too long in the bathtub, and suddenly, I heard a knock at the door.
Panic surged within me as I scrambled to get out of the tub.
The moment I heard the key turning in the lock, my heart seemed to stop beating.
I knew it was Alan coming home, but I couldn't fathom why he was returning at this moment.
It was not his usual habit.
I tried to open the door, yet it wouldn't budge, for I had forgotten to unlock it when I came in.
The Mermaid's Secret