MidReal Story

The Melody of Machines


Feb 4
Scenario:J'intègre une IA révolutionnaire dans ma musique, mais elle commence à dominer la créativité.
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J'intègre une IA révolutionnaire dans ma musique, mais elle commence à dominer la créativité.
I stared at the screen, my hands poised over the keyboard.
The melody was there, dancing in my head.
Three bars in, and I’d lost it.
I played the last bars back, searching for it.
A hint of it lurked beneath the surface, but I couldn’t grab on to it.
"Try this," a voice said next to me.
I jumped and hissed in a breath.
I hadn’t meant to do that, and I didn’t have time to fix it now.
It would throw off the whole flow of the song.
Marcus put a hand on my shoulder.
"You’re getting frustrated. Take a break."
I nodded and pushed back from the desk.
"I just can’t find it. I know it’s there."
"I know you do. Come on, I’ll get some coffee, and we’ll talk it out."
I followed Marcus into the living room.
It was set up as a secondary studio, and we often sat there to throw ideas around.
I’d been working on this particular piece for hours, and I was starting to lose my patience.
This should have been easier.
I’d never had a problem coming up with a melody before.
Something was holding me back.
The AI.
I groaned and dropped my head in my hands.
The Melody of Machines