MidReal Story

The Melody of Dreams


Feb 3
Scenario:中文創作小說原創虛構第1季第1章長版故事劇情:2049年12月29日李瑞妍 放學後黑衣人綁上廂型車開往山上廢棄醫院倉庫 綁在椅子上醒來時3位黑衣人老大脫下口罩園惡霸李皓瑞 突然屋頂破洞粉紅色長頭髮身穿粉紅色氪綸緊身衣制服胸口印有HSX字母標誌掛上粉紅色漆皮長披風中間愛心標誌 雙手戴上粉紅色漆皮長手套 雙腳穿上粉紅色漆皮高筒高跟過膝長靴 腰間系上SEX字母腰帶 雙眼戴上粉紅色雙眼罩超級女英雄雌雄同體之星降落抓住黑衣人雙眼射出粉色粒子射線 黑衣人膀胱爆體而亡 超級女英雄雌雄同體之星露出私密處長長男性生殖器插進李瑞妍體內 李瑞妍瘋狂吸取超級女英雄雌雄同體之星能量
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中文創作小說原創虛構第1季第1章長版故事劇情:2049年12月29日李瑞妍 放學後黑衣人綁上廂型車開往山上廢棄醫院倉庫 綁在椅子上醒來時3位黑衣人老大脫下口罩園惡霸李皓瑞 突然屋頂破洞粉紅色長頭髮身穿粉紅色氪綸緊身衣制服胸口印有HSX字母標誌掛上粉紅色漆皮長披風中間愛心標誌 雙手戴上粉紅色漆皮長手套 雙腳穿上粉紅色漆皮高筒高跟過膝長靴 腰間系上SEX字母腰帶 雙眼戴上粉紅色雙眼罩超級女英雄雌雄同體之星降落抓住黑衣人雙眼射出粉色粒子射線 黑衣人膀胱爆體而亡 超級女英雄雌雄同體之星露出私密處長長男性生殖器插進李瑞妍體內 李瑞妍瘋狂吸取超級女英雄雌雄同體之星能量
I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
I was shy and introverted.
I never thought I would be good at anything.
Then one day, something happened at my school.
It was the talent show.
I was watching it with my best friend Emily Wilson when someone got sick and couldn't perform.
The teacher in charge was looking around for a replacement.
Emily pointed at me.
I was terrified.
I couldn't sing or dance.
Then an idea popped into my head.
I wrote songs.
Maybe I could perform one of those.
I got up in front of everyone and started singing.
It was the first time I had ever done anything like that.
It was also the first time I realized how much I loved music.
It wasn't long before everyone started clapping and whistling.
I had never experienced anything like it before.