confident, and secretive. Sarah appears at the right moment when Jay needs guidance most and offers her assistance without revealing much about herself or her methods. Her presence adds an element of intrigue to the story as Jay grapples with trusting her motives while desperately seeking a solution to his predicament.
loyal, and skeptical. Alex is initially hesitant to believe Jay's transformation but eventually becomes his primary source of support. He helps Jay navigate the challenges of having four legs, including assisting him in finding clothes that fit and providing emotional support during difficult times. Alex's presence provides stability in Jay's life as he struggles to cope with his new reality.
anxious, and determined. Jay struggles to adjust to his new body and the challenges it brings, including difficulties with daily activities and social interactions. He seeks help from his best friend, Alex, and a mysterious woman named Sarah. Despite the overwhelming changes, Jay remains resilient and determined to find a way back to normalcy.