MidReal Story

The Man With Four Legs


4d ago
Scenario:A very handsome young man awakens delighted to find he has four of his beautiful human legs, a dream come true.
Create my version of this story
A very handsome young man awakens delighted to find he has four of his beautiful human legs, a dream come true.
I woke up feeling so refreshed and happy, like all my dreams had come true.
I was smiling from ear to ear.
I brought out my hands to touch my face.
That was when I became aware again of the extra hands I had.
I looked down at my body and that was when I remembered what had happened the previous night.
I jumped down from the bed, but not with my two legs as I had always done.
My four beautiful legs carried me down, one on each side and two behind.
I laughed out so loud in excitement, not minding if anyone heard me.
I was thrilled to see what I had always dreamed of, my four beautiful human legs.
I posed in front of the mirror and laughed.
I ran out of my room, but not with my two legs as I had done before.
My four beautiful legs carried me and ran so fast that I felt like a cheetah.
I felt so happy; then I remembered Sarah.
I stopped laughing and running and thought of where she could be.
She had to be around since she didn't sleep in her room last night.
So without further ado, I set off to look for her.
The whole compound was awake because of my laughter, and they were all staring at me as I ran past them.
Some kneeled down, while others bowed or prostrated as I ran past them.
The Man With Four Legs