adventurous, and nonjudgmental. Mason often joins in on Landon's teasing but does so in a lighthearted manner that doesn't offend Ethan. His friendship with Ethan highlights the importance of having people around who can laugh with you without diminishing your dreams.
humorous, and loyal. Landon often teases Ethan about his dream but ultimately encourages him to pursue it. He shares a deep bond with Ethan and provides emotional support when needed. Landon's presence in Ethan's life serves as a reminder that there are people who accept him for who he is, even if they don't fully understand his aspirations.
determined, and introspective. Ethan struggles with the societal norms of having two legs and desires to break free from these constraints. He dreams of running freely with four legs, feeling a sense of liberation and power. Despite his unusual aspiration, Ethan remains hopeful that one day his dream will become a reality.