MidReal Story

The main character , Sophie , is about to move

Scenario:The main character, Sophie, is about to move in with her boyfriend and has a chance encounter with a charismatic rock star named Jasper who sparks her interest.
Create my version of this story
The main character, Sophie, is about to move in with her boyfriend and has a chance encounter with a charismatic rock star named Jasper who sparks her interest.
I’m not sure if it’s the excitement of the concert or the fact that I was just called ‘Honey’ by Jasper Stone, lead singer of the band I just watched play, but my legs are wobbly and I feel like I’m going to pass out.
I reach out and grip Alex’s hand tightly, hoping he doesn’t notice I’m hyperventilating.
He squeezes my hand in return and I feel a little better.
I try to focus on the conversation Jasper’s having with the blonde model sitting next to me, but my mind goes completely blank.
The combination of the flashing lights and the roar of the crowd in the background is disorienting and I feel like I’m in a dream.
Jasper, however, is perfectly at ease.
He doesn’t seem to notice the chaos around us, or any of the people trying to get his attention.
He just looks at me with those piercing eyes and waits for me to speak.
My mouth is so dry that when I open it, it sounds like sand is spilling out.
he corrects me with a smirk.
“Sophie.” He says it slowly, like he’s trying to memorize it.
“No,” he chuckles.
“I was actually talking to your friend.” He nods his head towards the model sitting next to me.
She throws her head back and laughs, and for a moment I think he’s serious.
Alex squeezes my hand again, but I don’t look at him.
I can’t take my eyes off Jasper.
There’s something about him that makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room, even though we’re surrounded by hundreds of screaming fans.
The way he smiles at me, like he knows something that no one else does, is so disarming that I almost forget how to respond.
But then he looks down at his phone, breaking our connection, and I remember that this is all just an act.
Jasper Stone is a rock star and I’m just a fan who won a contest to meet him backstage.
“So,” he says without looking up from his phone.
“What did you think of the show?”
As soon as he asks me that, I lose all ability to form words.
I open my mouth and close it several times before I finally say, “It was amazing.”
He turns his phone off and slides it into the pocket of his black skinny jeans.
“Glad you enjoyed it.”
I can tell he’s being polite.
He probably doesn’t even remember playing the show.
“Would you like to take a picture?”
I glance over at Alex and see that he’s already holding up his phone and adjusting the camera.
He gives me an encouraging nod and I take in a deep breath before I say, “Yes, please.”
Jasper stands up and puts an arm around me while Alex snaps the picture.
When he pulls me closer to him for the photo, I catch a whiff of his cologne and I feel my whole body flush with heat.
I’m not sure if it’s the proximity to him or the fact that I got called ‘Honey’ twice in thirty seconds, but I’m starting to get a little overheated.
Jasper sits back down and I slide in next to him.
His skin is warm and I can feel the heat radiating off him.
The main character , Sophie , is about to move
“Are you two a couple?”
I look over at Alex again and see that he’s grinning at me.
“We are,” I say shyly.
“Soph and I have been together for a while,” Alex says.
“Actually,” Jasper says, looking at me with a curious expression.
I don’t know if it’s just the lighting or my imagination, but his eyes seem to be glowing.
“I could have sworn your name was Honey.”
I laugh because it’s so absurd.
And because it’s kind of true.
“I get that a lot,” I admit bashfully.
He smiles and I feel my whole body relax.
It’s like we’re old friends meeting up after a long time apart.
“That’s what I thought.” He leans back in his chair and crosses one ankle over the other.
“Now that we’ve got that out of the way…”
I still can’t believe this is happening.
I’m sitting next to Jasper Stone and he’s asking me about my day like we’re just two people who happen to find themselves backstage at a concert.
I’ve watched enough interviews with him to know that he has this effect on people.
He makes you feel like you’re special and important and interesting even though you know that you’re not.
It’s a quality that most people who are successful have in some form or another.
“So what did you do today?”
he asks, leaning towards me with a look of genuine curiosity on his face.
I’m not sure what to say because I didn’t expect him to be interested in my life when there’s so much other stuff going on around us, but I suppose he’s just trying to make small talk.
“We went to the aquarium,” Alex says.
“It’s her favorite place.” I’m not sure why he’s telling Jasper this, but he nods and looks at me like he knows something he’s not supposed to.
The way he smiles makes me feel like I’m in on some secret, even though I know that’s not possible.
Jasper laughs and looks at me over the top of his sunglasses.
“I’m more of a zoo person myself.”
I can hardly believe that I’m sitting here talking to Jasper Stone about our favorite places to see animals, but it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
“Speaking of animals, did you get a chance to meet with the lions?
I remember that you were excited about going on that trip.” He takes off his sunglasses and looks at me intently, as if he knows me better than I know myself.
I have no idea what he’s talking about, but I nod anyway, hoping that it will make him happy.
“Yeah, I did.” He smiles, revealing perfect white teeth that make my heart race faster than a drumbeat.
“I would have loved to go too, but I have tour dates that are scheduled for the same time, so…”
When Jasper tells me that he remembers meeting me and that he wants to see me again, I almost choke on my own tongue.
I know it’s impossible, but I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest and run away with him right here in the middle of all these people.
The main character , Sophie , is about to move