MidReal Story

The Lost Puppy

Scenario:На улице Дик и Элли находят бездомного щенка. Щенок очень ласковый, но очень голодный. Дик и Элли обнаруживают на щенке бирку с размытым от дождя номером телефона. Кличка щенка "Чаки", но телефон и адрес владельца Дику и Элли предстоит узнать.
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На улице Дик и Элли находят бездомного щенка. Щенок очень ласковый, но очень голодный. Дик и Элли обнаруживают на щенке бирку с размытым от дождя номером телефона. Кличка щенка "Чаки", но телефон и адрес владельца Дику и Элли предстоит узнать.
It was a stormy night, heavy rain pouring from the sky.
The streets were empty, and only a few cars drove by.
My best friend, Ellie, and I were walking home from the movie theater when we heard a faint whimpering.
At first, we thought it was just our imagination, but then we clearly heard the whining.
Ellie and I looked at each other, and without a word, we crossed the street to find the source of the sound.
There, in an alleyway between two buildings, we found a puppy. It was shivering with fear, its fur matted and dirty.
The puppy had big brown eyes that looked up at us pleadingly.
Ellie and I couldn’t resist those eyes; we picked the puppy up and cradled it in our arms.
The puppy snuggled up to us, licking our faces with a sloppy tongue.
It was clear that the puppy had no home to go to; it was dirty, and its ribs were showing.
Dick and Ellie
We took the puppy home with us.
After feeding and bathing it, the puppy looked like a completely different animal.
It had a soft golden coat with white paws and a white chest.
The puppy was very affectionate, always wanting to be close and play.
We took the puppy outside to "go potty."
While outside, I noticed that the puppy had a tag on its collar.
The Lost Puppy