grateful, and kindhearted. Mrs. Johnson frantically searches for Chucky after losing it during a storm but fails to find it until Dick contacts her using the phone number on Chucky's tag. Overjoyed to be reunited with her dog, she thanks Dick profusely and offers him a reward for his kindness.
caring, and adventurous. Ellie helps Dick find the puppy and encourages him to take it home. She assists in feeding and caring for the puppy while Dick tries to locate its owner. Ellie is present when Dick meets Mrs. Johnson, the puppy's owner, and shares in their joy of reuniting Chucky with its family.
determined, and resourceful. Dick finds a homeless puppy with his friend Ellie and decides to help it. He takes the puppy home, feeding it and caring for it. Dick tries to locate the puppy's owner by deciphering a rainblurred phone number on its tag. His efforts lead him to meet the puppy's grateful owner, Mrs. Johnson.