MidReal Story

The Little Witch

Scenario:im hermaris grangers littel 4 year old girl
Create my version of this story
im hermaris grangers littel 4 year old girl
I am Hermaris Granger, a 4 year old girl, and I am special.
I have magic!
I was at home watching cartoons when suddenly I felt a strange sensation in my body.
It was as if my body was filling up with something.
I looked down at my hands and saw that they were glowing.
"Wow," I said, feeling excited.
"I have magic!"
I was at home alone, so I didn't know what to do next.
But then I remembered the Hogwarts letter that I had gotten earlier.
Something told me to go there and see if I could get any help.
So, I Apparated to the school, which is located in Scotland.
When I arrived, I saw a lot of older kids walking around.
They all seemed to know where they were going, so I decided to follow one of them.
As I walked through the castle, I saw a lot of amazing things.
There were moving staircases and talking portraits on the walls.
It was all so magical and amazing!
Finally, after following one of the older kids for a while, I arrived at the Great Hall.
It was a huge room filled with even more students and teachers.
I felt a little scared and overwhelmed by all of the attention that I was receiving.
But then, someone came up to me and introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, the Transfiguration professor.
The Little Witch