MidReal Story

The Letter G


23h ago
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I always thought the key to understanding my life lay in my father’s secrets.
And now, finally, after thirteen years of waiting, I had a chance to uncover them.
The letter arrived on a typical Wednesday.
I’d finished work at the library and stopped by the post office on my way home.
Since everyone in town received a weekly newsletter, we all had to visit the post office to collect our mail.
It was one of the small-town drawbacks.
But it also meant that I got to catch up on the latest gossip when I picked up my mail.
The only interesting piece of mail I found in my box that day was a letter addressed to me.
The return address was a post office box and there was no indication of who had written it except for one letter: "G."
My father’s initial.
My hands began to shake as I ripped it open.
The typed letter inside read:
Alex,I know this will come as a shock to you, but I’m not dead.
At least not yet.
I’ve watched you over the years.
You’re strong, smart, and beautiful.
Your father would be proud.
Meet me at the old oak tree at midnight under the light of the full moon and I’ll tell you everything you want to know.
I had to read the letter three times before I believed what it said.
My father wasn’t dead?
The Letter G