MidReal Story

The Last Scholar


Feb 3
Create my version of this story
The world never ended.
It just got worse.
I always thought the apocalypse would look cooler than this.
A more gradual collapse.
But no, the ancient powers had to go and decide to show up in all their glory and destroy everything in the span of a week.
Who knew they would be so into theatrics?
Not me, that’s for sure.
But here I was, hiding in a library with my former professor, Dr. Bennett, and a young woman named Sarah who had stumbled upon us for safety.
We had ransacked the library’s gift shop and taken out the shelves to barricade ourselves in.
As far as we could tell, we were safe.
For now.
"Okay, so we’ve got a mention of Thokk here…" I said, tracing my finger down the page of the book I was reading.
"In the next passage, it mentions something about a lake. A…great black lake?"
"I think I saw something about that," Dr. Bennett said, his brow furrowing as he flipped through another book.
"Here it is. It says that the black lake is…a gateway? A gateway to where Thokk sleeps."
Sarah looked up from her own book, her eyes wide.
"What do you think that means?"
I shrugged.
"It could mean anything. But I think we should take it to mean that Thokk is buried under a lake somewhere."
The Last Scholar