MidReal Story

The Last Hope

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping.
It was a good feeling to wake up to something normal in this dead new world we were living in.
I got out of the bed and started making breakfast.
The boy was still sleeping.
He was a good kid; he survived with me because of his cleverness and resourcefulness.
If it wasn't for him, I would have died a long time ago.
He kept me strong with his cleverness and smartness to survive in this world, and I kept him strong with my knowledge and experience to survive among the dead bodies and monsters.
We were like two pieces that completed the puzzle.
We needed each other to survive, and we became very dependent on each other.
I lost my family and friends to the virus, but I found another family in this boy to protect and survive with.
"Boy, breakfast is ready," I said, waking him up.
He got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up before he came to eat.
"Today, we will go pick some fruits and vegetables from the garden," I told him while eating.
This boy was very smart; he planted some seeds he found in the supermarket and took care of them until they grew up.
The Last Hope