MidReal Story

The Last Hero

Scenario:a reporter investigates a dark and hopeless world, that was seemingly suppose to be filled, with colorful costumed heroes and villains, however somewhere it all went wrong, and now only a bleak world is left behind, he's on journey to interview people, as to figure out where it all went so wrong.
Create my version of this story
a reporter investigates a dark and hopeless world, that was seemingly suppose to be filled, with colorful costumed heroes and villains, however somewhere it all went wrong, and now only a bleak world is left behind, he's on journey to interview people, as to figure out where it all went so wrong.
The world had never been a very good or very evil place.
It was just a place.
It existed without hope or despair for most of its history until the colorful costumes came out to play.
They brought with them hope and despair, neither of which was meant to last forever.
In the end, it didn’t matter which side you wore—cape or cowl, mask or gloves.
All that mattered was that you had worn a mask at all.
And eventually, no one had been left to wear them.
I was a reporter, or at least I had been, and that was why I was here.
To look at the fallout, to talk to the survivors and see if eventually we could figure out what made it all go wrong.
My name is Jason Hart, and I would travel across the broken world to find the answers.
Today, I would speak with Lena Blackwood—the former superhero known as "The Shadow."
Tomorrow, I would speak with Marcus Flynn—the former supervillain known as "The Mindbender."
And eventually, I would speak with Evelyn Stone—the former hero known simply as "The Guardian."
Together we would try to make sense of it all.
The Last Hero