MidReal Story

The Last Elf Queen

Scenario:Nelaria, an elf, gazes into the distance, pondering the future of herself and her kind. Her long silver hair, shining in the moonlight, reflects the royalty of her lineage.
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Nelaria, an elf, gazes into the distance, pondering the future of herself and her kind. Her long silver hair, shining in the moonlight, reflects the royalty of her lineage.
Moonlight glows on my skin as I gaze into the distance, trying to see what lies ahead for my kind and myself.
My long silver hair shines in the light of the full moon, cascading down my back like a river of moonlight, a symbol of my lineage as a child of the El'goroth dynasty.
I am Nelaria, princess of my elven kingdom, and soon to be queen when my father, King Arin, passes on.
I stand here in my private sanctuary, lost in thought, trying to find answers to the questions that plague my mind.
What does the future hold?
Will I be able to protect my people from the darkness that looms?
Will I be able to sit on the throne without being corrupted by its power?
So many questions and yet no answers.
I hear a shout that breaks me from my thoughts.
I turn around, seeing my little brother running towards me with a big smile on his face.
He is only 10 years old and yet already so brave already.
He looks up to me as his role model and strives to follow in my footsteps.
"Brother, what brings you here?"
I ask as he stops in front of me, panting heavily.
"Nelaria, father has permitted me to train with you," he says excitedly.
And with that, he shows me the sword and shield that he carries.
The Last Elf Queen